Maybe it’s because I caught Off With Their Heads live recently and maybe it’s because on Home, their third official full-length, the theme is something that songwriter Ryan Young has been hinting at all along. Either way, the songs here are familiar and powerful and they continue to deliver in a similar vein as to the rest of their output, … Read more
Off With Their Heads have built a reasonable fanbase within the fest related punk scene. This is due to certain consistency in their style, without being all the same all the time. Gruff vocals, bass heavy songs, and depressing lyrics all have their place in this. So one had to expect a backlash of sorts when, after a series of … Read more
Remember when the Dropkick Murphy's were good, when they were still a bunch of drunken rabble-rousers instead of highbrow hooligans cashing in on the idea that if you give any goon a Guinness or Smitwicks, it'll make them Irish? Can't remember that far back? It's been a few years. Want a refresher on what good, rowdy, bar friendly punk rock … Read more
During a prolonged Minnesota winter in early 2013, Scene Point Blank chatted with Off With Their Heads’ Ryan Young about their (at the time) upcoming record Home. Getting some earlier spins of the record, which was released in March, we discussed the record’s origins, the ever-changing line-ups, and dealing with … Read more
Ryan Young (Off With Their Heads) SPB: Is there a particular interview question you’d like to never answer again? Young: Interviews can go one of 2 ways for me. Either they get me to talk about fond memories, or they are pestering. I've always been kind of a butthole, but … Read more
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