News / Splits
Life Long Tragedy Issue Breakup Statement

Posted by Michael on July 26, 2008

Life Long Tragedy issued a statetment concerning their recent breakup. Vocalist Scott Phillips had this to say:

The decision to end our band was pretty abrupt. We didn't really start talking about it until near the end of our recent tour. Although painful on many different levels, we all mutually agreed that it was time. Like that sick, old dog - you know one day you're going to have to put it to sleep. The truth is that there wasn't a whole lot of wind left in our sails or air in our tires or whatever analogy you'd prefer to use. We do apologize to those who wanted to see us one more time. We were never the sort of band to make a big stink about breaking up and do some extravagant last show with limited shirts and shit. My memory isn't good enough to make a huge list of people to thank but there is a remarkable amount of you who made this fun for us. Dear memories and friendships were born from this band that will press forward like space and time. And to me, that is what is important, more so than some songs or records or shows. None of us are done with music. Cody and Jason are still blowing minds with Sabertooth Zombie. RJ surely has some tricks up his sleeves. Jery and I have had our Purple Mercy project going for quite some time now and will hopefully record something by year's end. So there you have it. Thanks everyone.

The band released their final full-length Runaways earlier this year via Deathwish Inc.

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