Tokyo Police Club have set the date for their final show, which will take place at HISTORY in Toronto on Nov. 29.
The band, originally formed while its members were in high school, is saying goodbye after 20 years. The band is currently finalizing tour plans in addition to its hometown sendoff.
They offered the following statement:
It's time for us to say goodbye! This band has meant so much to us for so many years, but all magical things must come to an end. Tokyo Police Club will always stand for the connection we have shared ever since we were teenagers, and it's brought so many amazing people and moments into our lives. We’re throwing one last big bash in Toronto at HISTORY on NOVEMBER 29th, and we have a few more things up our sleeve before we go, so stay tuned!
Thank you from the bottom of our collective heart for the unbelievable support and inspiration over the years - you will always be a part of the TPC family. See you in the funny pages!