Sometimes simple repetition makes the biggest impact. Sometimes simple repetition makes the biggest impact. SOMETIMES SIMPLE REPETITION MAKES THE BIGGEST IMPACT. Obviously it isn't working for me, but D.C.'s Antelope make something seemingly annoying into a subtle art form. That is, if you're not easily annoyed. Most of the tracks on Reflector accentuate bare bones songwriting. Almost every track is comprised of two or three short lyrical verses backed by two, three at most, guitar parts and a consistent rhythm section.
These songs are easily the most interesting thing I've heard all year, drawing me in with their minimalism and angular composition. The vocals border on whine, but with a grace not typically found in indie bands. And that repetition, it becomes trance-like in the span of two minutes. This is also where the album's shortcomings appear. After a few listens the songs become boring. With no dramatic changes in tone or style I lose interest after ninety seconds. Most of the songs peak at two and half minutes, but by then the charm is gone.
While Reflector serves as nice background music, something to drive to or talk over, it not exactly an album you devote your senses to.