Bayonet is a Jersey super group or sorts. taking members from such bands as Senses Fail, The Banner among others. In any situation like this it is hard to tell if the project is really a band in itself or merely something spat out for fun. One can hardly assume what this will sound like as each members prior (or main) project have at best only slight similarities to each other.
Bayonet was announced as a band and their record within a short period of each other so one may ask how does it really stack up? Pretty good in general is the answer. Here's how it works, take the heavier moments of Senses Fail, the metallic leanings of The Banner and boil it into an above average hardcore band.
The tempos abound and everything works well in general throughout the EP. The metallic lead in the opener "Nightmare" makes the mid paced part resonate while the next track "Who's gonna want me now" speeds by in under a minute. These bits and pieces coalesce throughout the EP making for a fun listen that carries alot of anger. The main complain is the inevitable bum out when Buddy starts to sing (or whine) in certain songs. This action does little to keep the feeling of the song.
Overall Bayonet have done something good. They have made an album that shows a proficiency for making fun heavy songs that spout anger. Luckily this band seems to be more than the sum of their parts.