Taking a five year hiatus between albums, Beep Beep released Enchanted Islands, the follow up to 2004's Business Casual, earlier this year. Given the current pace of the music industry, and a slight change from the original lineup, Enchanted Island has a feel closer to a debut album rather than a sophomore effort. The band freely plays with esoteric tempos, and rhythms, making something that's not quite indie, while hinting at elements of jazz and noise, to the hauntingly melodic drone of the vocals. Often Beep Beep suffer from their talent and musicianship; many songs on Enchanted Island allow the listener just enough time to get comfortable with one theme before being taken in a different direction. When they take the time to focus, however, the band manages a handful of sophisticated and incredibly well written songs: case and point being Enchanted Islands' fourth track "Return to Me." If it isn't another five years before Beep Beep releases another record the band is sure to catch on amongst the collage radio crowd.