Besides some brilliant use of Photoshop to interpose the band members of Billy Club Sandwich in some memorable movies of the past 20 years there is really nothing else redeemable about The Usual Suspects. I never thought I heard a band that'd have worse cave man vocals than 25 ta Life but Billy Club Sandwich takes barking and grunting typical tough guy lyrics to a whole new, almost comedic, level. I personally have never been a big fan of tough guy type hardcore from New York but understand why bands like this exist. Their reality is probably a lot more brutal and "street" than mine will ever be. I just can't enjoy bands that use words like "niggas" and back it with terrible mosh parts. Seriously, it's one mosh part after another on this eight-song EP. Well, whatever... if you like to mosh and maybe have chuckle over the layout, then by all means seek this out.