Reviews sorted by letter: C

362 total reviews — Page 3 of 21


Signal Corps
Iron Pier (2006)

Finally, Tom Corrigan has come back to his roots and fronts Long Island hardcore unit, Capital. I'm sure the name Tom Corrigan isn't the most recognizable name in hardcore but he used to sing in the criminally underrated Long Island outfit, Silent Majority. I don't think there was anyone this side of Ohio more excited than me when I heard … Read more


Robotic Empire (2008)

Right off the bat, Capsule's Blue - their first full length and first record for Robotic Empire - is visually stunning in a way that immediately draws one's attention to it, No, it is not all bright colors, but Blue is blessed with a much more subtle example of artwork which effectively utilizes negative space on the cover in the … Read more


No Ghost
Rorschach (2011)

I'm not sure if I exactly understand what post-hardcore is supposed to be, but I do know what Capsule's sophomore effort No Ghost sounds like. It sounds like tech death if the guitars were layered more densely than the population of Monaco, the head songwriter accidentally started writing while under the influence of paint thinner, and his dog accidentally turned … Read more

Captain Asshole

Successfully Not Giving Up
Say-10, SBÄM Records (2022)

I was coming off a Jawbreaker high when I first heard Captain Asshole at The Fest 18. I liked what I heard, but I also didn’t know if it was because of the music or simply the time and place. Fast forward through a couple years that most of us want to forget and the band has a new album … Read more

Captain, We're Sinking

...With Joe Riley
Evil Weevil (2011)

Captain, We're Sinking don't reinvent the wheel with their new 7" release. They aren't pushing any boundaries. Hell, they essentially rip-off The Lawrence Arms with no shame. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy every second of it.With Joe Riley provides three tracks of incredibly catchy and well-done melodic punk. "The Ballad of Ichabond Crane" starts things … Read more

Capture the Flag

Start From Scratch
Go Kart (2003)

Growing up in the Toledo, OH area, I have seen Capture the Flag mature throughout the years. Starting off as the Oven Mitts years ago, they have definitely put in their dues to this scene. Their previous efforts, Time and Again and Walking Away From Everything were everything you could need from a 3 piece punk rock outfit. Unfortunately, it … Read more

Cara Neir

Portals to a Better, Dead World
Broken Limbs Recordings (2013)

Cara Neir have made a name for themselves by playing a suffocating blend of grind and black metal. while this may not seem like a particularly novel mix how the band does it and/or makes it work lends them enough credence to deserve a listen. From the discordant riffing of opener "Peridot" the band makes it's mark on the listener … Read more

Cara Neir

Stagnant Perceptions
Independent (2011)

Extracting the finer points of black metal, hardcore and mad experimental sounds is hardly the newest trick in the book, but melding them together and producing an exciting and cohesive record such as Stagnant Perceptions is no mean feat. Hailing from Texas, Cara Neir destroy everything in their path. This, only their second full length, is such a fully rounded … Read more

Career Suicide

Invisible Eyes
Feral Ward (2005)

Let's be honest; Canada is pretty fucking cool.. First sentence and I've already used a very Canada-esque. Who's been to our neighbor that borders our Northern borders? Not I...which makes it even more mysterious and wondrous and just plain cool. Their laws are different. Their president is called a "Prime Minister." Their land is colored orange according to the … Read more

Career Suicide

Machine Response
Deranged (2017)

Sometimes I love the predictable unpredictability of punk. You hear the name Career Suicide and think a certain sound and, well, they’re right in line with that. Here on Machine Response the band mixes ‘80s hardcore, snot-punk and more in a blitz of a record. It’s aggressive and relentless, but mired in a traditional sound that merges melody and anger, … Read more

Carina Round

The Disconnection
Interscope (2004)

Carina Round is too late for the Riot Grrrl movement, the only recent explosion of female artists. Although lo-fi indie princess Liz Phair and crazy Courtney Love of the now-defunct Hole were not considered true riot grrrls, they still benefited from the epiphany that females can rock. The movement has been strangled to death now that Liz Phair has gone … Read more

Carly Cosgrove

The Cleanest Of Houses Are Empty
Wax Bodega (2024)

You should never judge a band by their name alone, but it’s impossible to ignore it too. Carly Cosgrove is an emo-style band that chose a band name that sounds like a person’s name -- it seems to be a long-running tradition in the genre. I point that out because Carly Cosgrove the band has a lot of traditional elements, … Read more

Carnal Knowledge

Independent (2008)

Carnal Knowledge deliver a nice blend of fuzzy guitar-driven punk that is reminiscent of the nascent riot grrl records crossed with the East Bay bounce that anyone growing up punk in the 90's grew to love. And to top it off, they have dual vocals - something I've been a sucker for ever since I first heard Blatz. While their … Read more

Carrie Biell

When Your Feet Hit the Stars
Independent (2007)

Amy Winehouse. Lily Allen. Jenny Lewis. All are media darlings. Despite any and all current public backlash, neither lady could release an album of humming in an aluminum coffee tin without the pundits all standing and cheering - the applause deafening. Carrie Biell deserves this adoration more than any of them but will never ever get it. Why? Because: a) … Read more


Young Men Never Die
Radar/So Good Music (2008)

Hailing from Vermont, Carrigan plays ambient post-rock, but more structured and upbeat than you would think. Although the group is a duo now, they had a couple transient members formerly from Drowningman and The Cancer Conspiracy during 2003. The Drowningman connection intrigued me; an old heavy gem that I hadn't heard anyone mention in way too long. The duo did … Read more

Carry On

It's All Our Blood (Reissue)
Youngblood (2005)

Despite the fact that they are broken up, Carry On is probably the second most talked about band in hardcore - American Nightmare being number one. There is always someone bringing up the band no matter where you go - record stores, concerts, and yes, the Internet. Granted, most of it is your typical messageboard talk about the edge-break/selling out … Read more

Carry the Torch

Dead Weather
Detonate (2008)

Carry the Torch are yet another over-emotional hardcore band that play fast, somewhat tuneful, a little bit metal, and quite moshable hardcore. The one-sheet says they would appease the fans of Strongarm, Cave In, and Taken when in actuality they only had to mention Shai Hulud since Carry the Torch tries to do their best of impression of A Profound … Read more


Transduction Records (2021)

Japanese based Carthiefschool formed in high school in 2016 and over these last 6 years or so have thrived in the Sapporo city underground scene. The 3 piece comprised of Tomoya Murosaki (guitar/vocals), Genki Tsusaka (bass) and Yudai Takasago (drums) have wasted little time recording as hot on the heels of their self titled debut album Carthiefschool released in February … Read more