Reviews sorted by letter: G

208 total reviews — Page 6 of 12

Gnarls Barkley

St. Elsewhere
Atlantic (2006)

Six months later... what can I possibly say about St. Elsewhere that hasn't already been ejaculated from the unnecessarily verbose ink-members of numerous self-indulgent online music critics? Yes, it's the best album of the year; it rests securely in the top-ten for this decade. It has been praised by critics, certified platinum, and can easily be found on the iPods … Read more

Gnarls Barkley

The Odd Couple
Atlantic (2008)

Since the arrival of the 80's and the consequent death of the era when there were true funk/soul titans, each passing unit of time discouraged any hope of a similar era ever resurfacing. No offense to R. Kelly and Alicia Keys, but the modern acts would get eaten alive by the likes of Curtis Mayfield and Funkadelic. Plus, I think … Read more


Cutting Pieces
Translation Loss (2017)

Formed by Khanate's vocalist after the demise of the legendary drone band, Gnaw doubled down on the extreme sound of Khanate, filling the drone/sludge hybrid sound with noise injections and industrial pacing. This post-apocalyptic vision was first introduced through This Face, a wretched work of heavy, experimental music, containing all the extreme weight, glacial pace and misanthropic philosophy the band … Read more


This Face
Conspiracy (2009)

Damn, when reading the former projects of the members of this group, one really starts to understand how insular a music scene can be in how the bands all break off and form new bands with different cross sections of each other. Gnaw contains members from an impressive list including Khanate, Burning Witch, Thorr's Hammer, Atavist, OLD, Yard, and a … Read more

Gnaw Their Tongues

An Epiphanic Vomiting of Blood
Crucial Blast (2008)

Gnaw Their Tongues is almost completely indescribable, it is a project that simply needs to be heard to be believe. Forget understanding it as the primitive emotional outbursts that pepper the sounds on their records as these compositions seem to aim at leaving listeners aghast at the emanations of sound. An Epiphanic Vomiting of Blood is the latest recording from … Read more

Gnaw Their Tongues

Per Flagellum Sanguemque, Tenebras Veneramus
Crucial Blast (2011)

Nightmares are a hard thing to quantify. As they happen without any control or uniformity. The terror invoked can be quite real and seem silly later when described out loud. This is a problem many musicians have in trying to deal with dark, evil or, dare I say, nightmarish sounding music. Since the early days of metal (and possibly earlier) … Read more

Go it Alone

Rivalry (2007)

For the most part I tend to think of hardcore as the last bastion of true emotional outpouring for contemporary music. Hip hop and rap seems to be more concerned with stuff they want or stuff they are going to get. Metal either wants to bellow about goblins or how much their girlfriend sucks. Country music is a running joke … Read more

Go it Alone / Blue Monday

Rivalry (2006)

I know very little of Vancouver, British Columbia other than the fact that the bulk of X-Files was filmed there and that it has the nickname of "Rain City." I may not be well versed in Canadian culture (everything I know was learned from repeated screenings of Strange Brew), but I do know that Vancouver is home to some stellar … Read more


Joy In Fear
NAKID (2023)

Having listened to Goat’s first two records, 2013’s New Games and 2015’s Rhythm & Sound, I was firstly blown away by their minimalism, but mostly by their precision. Featuring primarily percussive elements, the act from Japan perform an etude on both technical aptitude but also creativity. I was even more impressed when I had the chance to see them perform … Read more


A Haunting Curse
Metal Blade (2006)

This album is a devastating wake up call if you put it on before your 7:00 AM morning commute. I almost swerved in surprise when it first came forth from the car speakers. A Haunting Curse is the third album from this New Orleans four-piece and marks their debut for Metal Blade. Erik Rutan of Hate Eternal and Morbid Angel … Read more

God Equals Genocide

Rattled Minds
Razorcake\Dirt Cult (2012)

I’ve listened to a pretty solid variety of new records this year, but it’s always nice to come back to something from the DIY punk world. God Equals Genocide are one of those bands—they could go on tour, struggling to get gas money in bar after bar, but they’d rather just drive the van to some out-of-the-way basement, plug in, … Read more

God Seed

I Begin
Indie Recordings (2012)

The inception of God Seed is a torturous tale and is one of many twists and turns and moments of vengeance. To understand the drive of this band is to go back to circa.2007. Vocalist Gaahl and bassist King ov Hell left Gorgoroth, the band they’d been a part of for quite some time, under acrimonious circumstances and claimed the … Read more


All The Time Is Yours Now
Sell The Heart Records (2022)

With a plodding, building guitar line, a slow drum intro and the opening lyrics of “Light a candle / For the good times gone away,” Goddamnit isn’t subtle of where they’re going on All The Time Is Yours Now. Playing Hot Water Music-style punk, it’s a break-up record steeped in old school emo. While the lyrics are somewhat weighted in … Read more

Gods and Queens

Robotic Empire (2008)

Following the untimely demise of Versoma, Gods and Queens springs forth from those ashes (Tombs is another band which formed in the wake of Versoma's death) to create another logical progression within a similar vein or style of musical sound. In fact, prior to Versoma forming, Gods and Queens had a short existence which resulted in a nascent version of … Read more

Godspeed You! Black Emperor

Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!
Constellation (2012)

Sneaking an album out to the public regardless of the mass of information that seems to leak (including albums and other music related info) in this day and age seems completely fitting with regards to the first album in over ten years from Godspeed You! Black Emperor and their well communicated anti-corporatist and sometimes luddite-esque demeanor; but instead of such … Read more

Goes Cube

Another Day Has Passed
The End (2009)

Is it necessary to combine musical styles rather than perfect a specific sound? It seems to me that so many groups want to be that next big crossover band, combining metal or hardcore with other genres to bridge gaps and appeal to a broader demographic. But this is rather difficult to pull off effectively, and I've always felt that the … Read more


King Of Monsters (2014)

I had the fortitude to come across GOG’s previous album, Ironworks, and was astonished with what I discovered. On his previous album, Michael Bjella (the man behind GOG) explored the noise and industrial scenes with much precision and no hesitation when it comes to how extreme a musical offering can be. The ability of Bjella to retain the harsh industrial … Read more


Noriah Mills
Sound of Battle and Souvenir Collecting (2006)

I'm watching The Shining as I listen to Gog's EP for the first time and the music is matching up at the moment (which is awesome). A creepy high-pitched sound is slowly building up, just like Kubrick's film. The band's label, Sounds of Battle and Souvenir Collecting, says on its website, "[We are] dedicated to experimental, drug/metal, art-doom, and drone." … Read more