Meshuggah is one of those bands I have an unnatural reverence for. Ever since I first heard Nothing, I've been in perpetual awe of their musical virtuosity and incredible technicality. Needless to say, when I heard they had a new album out, I emerged from my room, boldly risking such dangers as human interaction and contact with direct sunlight to … Read more
*Reviewers disclaimer – This is the most Meshuggah I have ever heard, so here you get two viewpoints – a fan perspective and, well, mine. Sweden’s Meshuggah (literally meaning “crazy” in Hebrew/Yiddish) have been the backbone of the extreme/technical/progressive death metal scene since their inception way back in 1987 and are usually credited with coining the term “djent” to describe … Read more
Yeah, I didn't quite believe it either. Though they released the full-length Koloss less than a year ago, Meshuggah seem to think that's too long for fans to wait for new material. Colour me surprised when they released the new (free!) EP Pitch Black late last month through Scion A/V (the second release to come out of their pairing following … Read more
Long story short: Beyond Magnetic is a collection of four tracks recorded for, and left off of, Metallica's 2008 album Death Magnetic. Dull description? Yes. Dull music? Not as much.Like Death Magnetic, there are a lot of great song ideas here, and I for one appreciate the return to their more complex thrash metal roots. All the songs here feature … Read more
The Metallica debate has been one of the most hotly contested that music has ever seen. Pro or Anti. Sellouts or one of the few bands of the people and for the people. There's an argument for both sides, to be sure, but in the end, if you're not for them, you're probably against them. If we're going to throw … Read more
8 years. Jesus. That’s the same length of time as Barack Obama’s two-term administration. That’s the entire lifespan of an 8 year old child. That’s too goddamn long between albums, is what it is. Yes, Hetfield, Ulrich, Hammett and Trujillo have finally returned with a new album – Hardwired…to Self Destruct. We all know, given their rarity of appearance on … Read more
You had to be there. In the grand scheme of box-office existence, Through The Never was a blip. The release was limited, as was apparently, the appeal. Despite all this, It was well worth seeing. It looked fantastic, the sound mix was great. It was possibly the most immersive concert-film experience ever. But, sadly, It will never be credited as … Read more
Ocean County, New Jersey four piece, Meteor Police, mean business and have gone above and beyond to ensure their debut album New Type Destroyer gets the attention it deserves. This ten track album showcases their talent not just as musicians but the whole package, from recording quality to the artwork and marketing of the finished product. New Type Destroyer arrived … Read more
The attention gained by The Arcade Fire last year has been a blessing and a curse for Canadian indie music. In one respect the scene has been put in the spotlight by the mass media, which have discovered what many insiders have known for years: Canada produces some of the best music in the genre. Unfortunately the amount of hype … Read more
Is every member of mewithoutYou of the Christian faith? Beats me. I know that the lyrics portray the group as a Christian band, but said term manifests nothing of the actual music. So what does Christian music sound like? Jesus harmoniously praying to his Father? Dead Poetic? Christmas carols? Fuck, man. I don't know. mewithoutYou's music has always attracted me … Read more
The title for Philadelphia act mewithoutYou's fourth album comes from Parable 518 of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen's The Golden Words of a Sufi Sheikh where he writes, "It's all false, It's all a dream, It's all crazy, It's all over, It's all right, Let's see what's next." Perhaps better than any others, these words mirror the band's evolution from their screamish [A->B] … Read more
Wavering on the Cresting Heft is the second solo recording from Isis guitarist Michael Gallagher under the moniker MGR. MGR is an acronym for Mustard Gas and Roses, which is taken from Vonnegut's classic novel Slaughterhouse-Five. This new full-length follows Gallagher's debut MGR offering, 2006's Nova Lux. If one were to loosely describe the music of MGR, an appropriate description … Read more
Amigos de la Guitarra is a collaborative effort from MGR - the solo project of Mike Gallagher of Isis - and Destructo Swarmbots' Mike Mare. The two have come together, focusing their collective minds on one forty-two minute song, "Amor en el Aire." If you have been following MGR's body of work to date then you have a good idea … Read more
I'm stoked that bands out there are gluttons for punishment and seek me out to do a review of their album. That's cool. However, I have a meager complaint from now on; no more CDR copies of your release. If it's a full-length like Good Job it gets the 200 Words or Less treatment. EPs will probably be ignored completely … Read more
So, my brother calls me out of the blue one day and excitedly explains to me that he has discovered the most "amazing" singer-songwriter that he has heard in ages. I was skeptical, as he usually likes the absolute worst music imaginable within the punk, hardcore, and indie genres. Thus I returned his enthusiasm for this newfound artist, Micah P. … Read more
"Swans are not dead!" So went the headlines across certain dark alleyways of the blogosphere and on the Swans Myspace page and on the Young God web site (the record label ran by one Michael Gira of Swans). People were all a twitter with mixed emotions ranging from near euphoric excitement to horrified gasps of disbelief as the news that … Read more
The Blind Shake are a power-garage trio from Minneapolis. They play highly synchronized, precision rock with guitar, tenor guitar, and drums. Michael Yonkers is a noise-guitar pioneer, having finally gained recognition when Destijl and, consequently, Sub Pop released the 1968 recorded, but never released, Microminiature Love in 2003. The record starts with haunting, dark, and heavy guitars and Yonkers' warbly … Read more
Michael Yonkers has a fascinating story: getting dropped by the majors, personal injury, and being rediscovered a generation later. That story has already been told in almost every review I’ve read, though. Instead, let’s talk about the rock. Period marks his third record with Minneapolis trio The Blind Shake, and the two forces offer a full collaboration when they get … Read more
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