Reviews sorted by letter: T

927 total reviews — Page 42 of 52

This Time Next Year

The Longest Way Home
Run for Cover (2008)

So many thoughts come to mind when I think of this California-based pop-punk group. This Time Next Year is a band that not only captured my ear, but also my heart when their demo recording landed in my mailbox. I was so infatuated with their sound that I literally put my money where my mouth was when I released A … Read more

This Will Destroy You

This Will Destroy You
Magic Bullet (2008)

It wasn't long ago that Texas natives This Will Destroy You were nothing more than a well-kept secret. But thanks to a solid debut album and a little luck the band went from practically unknowns to indie music darlings. As a result the band's debut full-length, This Will Destroy You, was placed atop many individuals lists of the most anticipated … Read more

This Will Destroy You / Lymbyc Systym

Field Studies
Magic Bullet (2009)

Split recordings are almost always unique projects in some aspect or manner; I particularly enjoy them when there is an artist involved that I'm not too familiar with. Field Studies is one of those occasions. The two parties represented - This Will Destroy You and Lymbyc Systym - came up with the idea for this recording while on tour together, … Read more


Denovali (2012)

Existing purely on the periphery of my personal aural hemisphere due to their touring with and collaborating with several artists and bands that I avidly follow but never getting around to actually listening to their records, Thisquietarmy has eluded my attentions for far too long and Resurgence seemed like the perfect opportunity to check out this prolific artist; but maybe … Read more


The New Testament
Discolexique (2016)

thisquietarmy is an experimental project helmed by Eric Quach from Montreal. His catalogue is extensive (you could spend hours on bandcamp) gut each release has a life of its own, and a story to tell. The New Testament is a commentary on the rise of the smartphone as a foundation for life, with the cover art simplifying that idea down … Read more

thisquietarmy X Away

The Singularity, Phase I
P572 (2020)

Imagine a highway, stripped of all life and containing their minute particles, each one full of information and colour, sound and breath. Imagine the highway reaching to the sky, its steps as notes and stretches of sound as the straights. thisquietarmy have created such an image in their collaboration with Voivoid’s Michel “Away” Langevin, their rhythms bringing soul and a … Read more

Thom Yorke

XL Recordings (2019)

There’s a kind of anxious immediacy that bleeds through every song on Anima, Thom Yorke’s latest solo album. Normally this would signal a lack of cohesion or at the very least an uneven listening experience, but somehow Yorke manages to pack all his troubles in his old kit bag and smile, giving us his strongest solo album to date.The whirring, … Read more

Thom Yorke

Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino film)
XL Recordings (2018)

Taking a page from bandmate Jonny Greenwood’s songbook, Radiohead’s Thom Yorke has thrown himself into the breach of film scoring and it really takes only 1 minute and 47 seconds - or roughly the length of opening track “A Storm That Took Everything” to wonder why it ever took this long to begin with?For the uninitiated, Suspiria is an iconic … Read more

Thom Yorke

The Eraser
XL Recordings (2006)

I'm pretty sure Thom Yorke needs no introduction. As part of "that" band Radiohead he has helped make some the most beautiful, challenging and plain odd music of the last decade. So when it was announced that he had decided to release an album all by himself (he won't call it a solo project) it seemed like a bolt out … Read more


Rhea Sylvia
Deathwish Inc. (2018)

Thou, in this particular rendition, throw down great song thud after thud, right on the table, while permeating a delicate scent through their carefully constructed EP, Rhea Sylvia. Each song is a steamy dish, smelling like Tool, Starkweather, and Isis mishmashed together. The vocals have a Maynardish-Alice In Chains chest voice, a Starkweather scream, and a shimmering lead guitar tone. … Read more


Tyrant (Reissue)
Gilead Media (2008)

Hailing from Louisiana, it's not a surprise that Thou offer up grimy metal/doom on Tyrant. With fellow bruisers like Eyehategod, Crowbar, and Down before them, Thou take the southern metal sound and make it their own, thanks to a varied field of influences. The title-track leads off and immediately the listener is consumed with slow bludgeoning riffs and down-tempo rhythms … Read more

Three Mile Pilot

Planets / Grey Clouds
Temporary Residence (2009)

Thank (insert the deity or spirit or devil that you pay allegiance to here)! Three Mile Pilot is finally giving listeners new music to enjoy, which after years since their last record of new material, 1998's Three Mile Pilot EP (The two-CD compilation of rarities, Songs From an Old Town we Once Knew was released the following year). Comprised of … Read more

Three Mile Pilot

The Inevitable Past Is The Future Forgotten
Temporary Residence (2010)

Well, all that I can say as this record sits in my hands is that this has certainly been a long, long time coming for Three Mile Pilot; I mean, the simple fact that another album from this group has been a rumor ever since they started practicing for their appearance at Touch and Go’s twenty-fifth anniversary, and now it … Read more

Three Steps to the Ocean

Three Steps to the Ocean (Reissue)
KNVBI (2008)

Three Steps to the Ocean is an Italian instrumental outfit. Like their counterparts in Vanessa Van Basten, Three Steps to the Ocean dabbles in the world of post-rock. The recording here is the band's debut EP reissued on vinyl format. Three Steps to the Ocean is a four-piece and together they've assembled a mixture of post-rock and instrumental metal. I'd … Read more


Artist In the Ambulance
Island (2003)

This record is by no means bad, but it's also not a great record. As a newcomer to Thrice, I was prepared to give this an un-biased review. Once I'd sat and listened through the record, I was sad to hear (literally) that they didn't stand out much from the current crop of hardcore/emo/punk/metal-core bands currently populating the scene. While … Read more


Artist In the Ambulance
Island (2003)

You've heard this record before. Honestly, you have. The last time that band you know jumped ship from their indie and put out a big budget major label debut, actually. Cave In already made this record earlier this year. Granted, Cave In had a mind-blowing first record to give themselves some credibility, which Thrice most certainly did not, but let's … Read more


Artist In the Ambulance
Island (2003)

Thrice have built quite a large fanbase in quite a short period of time. Perhaps this was one of the factors that led them to singing to a major label (Island) and subsequently shooting out a new record less than a year and a half after the release of their second full-length record, The Illusion of Safety. Illusion sparked that … Read more


Vagrant (2009)

The release of Thrice's latest album, Beggars came as a big surprise to a lot of fans for a couple reasons. One reason is because the band released the last two volumes of The Alchemy Index only last year and they were quick to the studio to record it's follow-up. The other reason is how quickly it leaked onto the … Read more