Review type: Review

4854 total reviews — Page 105 of 270

Inter Arma

The Cavern
Relapse (2014)

With their sophomore album, Sky Burial, Inter Arma released one of the best metal albums of the past year. Their style of playing brought to mind the earlier days of Mastodon and Baroness, but Inter Arma was not merely borrowing ideas from the two great acts. The vibe that Sky Burial had was much darker and bleaker than any of … Read more

Internal Affairs

Deadly Visions
Malfunction (2007)

Internal Affairs is a band that embodies what hardcore should truly be about. The music is fast, energetic, and pissed off. The lyrics are honest to the point of being blunt - hardcore used to be about speaking your mind, somewhere along the way most bands forgot this. And finally, the band puts on one heck of a performance, inviting … Read more

Internal Affairs

Internal Affairs
Malfunction (2005)

Corey Williams scares me. Now, this isn't anything bad because Williams is a great guy. But add a microphone and a stage - or maybe just a microphone - and this man turns into someone that you probably don't want to meet in a darken alleyway. If Mr. Williams is scary, Internal Affairs frightens me to death. After several prominent … Read more

International Superheroes of Hardcore

Takin' it Ova!
Bridge Nine (2008)

Hardcore is serious business well most of the time. Mixed amongst those pushing forth ideas concerning local and world issues are those out to have fun, usually in the form of some kind of joke. Jokes/gimmicks like these tend to last only a short time and the initial response is rather intense but quickly fades away. A few examples from … Read more

Into the Moat

Means By Which the Ends Are Justified
Lovelost (2003)

After hearing The Dillinger Escape Plan's Calculating Infinity, I had no idea that this style of weird timing technical metal influenced chaos could become a trend, mostly due to the fact that creating this music requires a lot of talent. It took a few years, but to my surprise, this sound has begun to rise from a few bands, such … Read more


Habitual Levitations (Instilling Words With Tones)
Century Media (2013)

The mighty Intronaut is back! The band returns with their fourth full length, still following the same path they first set with the release of their monumental debut Void. You know when a record is great when you cannot really start pinpointing it in one specific genre, and this is the case here with Inronaut’s last album Habitual Levitations (Instilling … Read more


Century Media (2008)

Every so often you just want a metal album that is that, a metal album. Well here we have just that with the latest full-length from Intronaut. Prehistoricisms is a heavy metal album that is not a concept album, but an album based upon the theme of evolution. I can dig that, especially when the music is - at its … Read more


Goodfellow (2006)

Intronaut is a four piece from California made up of members of Uphill Battle, Impaled, Exhumed, and Anubis Rising, although they sound nothing like I remember these other bands. Intronaut sounds more like a technical metal band with jazz-like flourishes. Void is their first full-length after the wittily monikered EP, Null. "A Monolithic Vulgarity" leads off Void like a jazz … Read more


Independent (2006)

My roommate likes to call early 90's hardcore "The Dark Ages of Hardcore" with its metal influences, all the way to the left neo-hippie politics, poetic non-sense, and mosh parts. In many way he's right, but the beginning part of the 90's wasn't all bad and we got some great bands like Undertow, Unbroken, Integrity, Indecision, and others that start … Read more


The Master Alchemist
This Is Music (2009)

Now listen carefully, people I'm only going to say this once. You need to listen to this album. Further to that, most people need to own it. I hate to kick off with such a blatant endorsement that has now leached out all sense of suspense from reading this modest review, but frankly this is the most refreshing and urgent … Read more


Self Titled
Razor & Tie (2013)

The problem with a passion project is that its appeal is going to be fairly strictly limited to those who are passionate about the focus of the project or passionate about those behind it. I'm not sure which of those sides of the coin will turn out to be the one to call in mid-air, but as turns out to … Read more


These Are The Arms
Golden Antenna (2011)

I hate writing about underwhelming releases, always because I feel like I'm slighting the artist, even if I respect them as a band. That's why it was difficult for me to listen, and subsequently write, about Ira's album These Are the Arms: I believe the band is incredibly talented, but this release is just not that interesting.Most of my issues … Read more


Samus Octology
Translation Loss (2007)

Instrumental music that doesn't bore one to death is hard to come by, especially in a world like today. There are handfuls of bands attempting the instrumental sound and failing miserably. There are others of course that do succeed in such risky endeavors. Luckily for Irepress they are one of them. Instrumental bands have a tendency to bore an audience … Read more


End Of An Era
Denovali (2011)

Now this is exactly what I am talking about right here, bands sneaking releases out from under people’s noses in this day an age is a feat worthy of the sneakiest thieves and skilled hackers is a true feat; and while that is just what Iroha did with End Of An Era, the real important accomplishment for the three piece … Read more


Self Titled
Denovali (2011)

Admittedly, I was knocked off my seat when I first heard Iroha (their split with Fragment, Bittersweet was an engaging listen) and immediately began awaiting the release of their first LP; but herein lies the problem, there was waiting and waiting and more waiting until I literally forgot about this record coming out at all (which certainly is a shame). … Read more


Shepherds & Angels
Denovali (2012)

Sometimes it feels strange championing a band, but I feel as though Iroha are one of those bands that deserve to be heard but people (at least here in the U.S.) seem to consistently overlook the three-piece outfit, in part because of their consistently being left in the shadow of another band almost to the point of being called a … Read more

Iroha & Fragment

Denovali (2010)

One of the biggest thrills that I still get from music and writing about music is being smacked up side the head by some new band or (in this case bands) with a release out of nowhere or with their debut, and this release actually knocks it down with both bands on the record. Each outfit brings their own take … Read more

Iron Age

Constant Struggle
Youngblood (2006)

Despite what everyone else is saying, I can't call Iron Age a hardcore band. I know they're on a hardcore label and have members that were in fairly big hardcore bands. But they're just not hardcore music. Their music is way to metal to be lumped in with hardcore. From the opening track, "We're Dust / The Violator" it's obvious … Read more