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Light Field Reverie

Another World
Avantgarde Music (2020)

I’m always on the prowl for dreamy music, especially metal. It’s harder to find things that fit that descriptor in the metal area too. After discovering sometime three or so years ago ISON, I somehow didn’t run into Light Field Reverie until earlier this year. My surprise arises from the fact that former ISON vocalist, Heike Langhans performs vocals on … Read more

Light Pupil Dilate

Snake Wine
Lifeforce (2007)

It's never easy to be a band today with many disparate influences. Today's groups are trying to become immortal or are at the very least play music that they want to hear. But the fact is that there have been so many classic bands so far that have provided us with awe-inspiring albums that it's so hard to top. So … Read more

Lightning Bolt

Fantasy Empire
Thrill Jockey (2015)

This noise rock duo has been terrifying the music scene for close to two decades now with their unconventional sound and experimental attitude. Throughout their career Lightning Bolt have stuck with the same recipe that seems to be working so marvelously for them: chaotic patterns, schizoid riffs, intense songs and with a fucking razor sharp edge to them. Fantasy Empire … Read more

Lightning Bolt

Hypermagic Mountain
Load (2005)

Preparation for listening to the new Lightning Bolt record for the first time: ' Call up around a dozen of your closest buddy's and get them to haul ass to your place. ' Splash out your last forty bucks on as much low grade beer as your arms can carry. ' Take the last ten bucks you earned pumping gas … Read more

Lights Out

Get Out
Youngblood (2005)

When was the last time you were angry? You're on a computer at the moment, so maybe you have a sticky key that really pisses you off. Or maybe your computer speaks to you in a really sarcastic tone, and you...just...can' At any rate, anybody can relate to anger. also like music, I bet. Crucial music you say? Well … Read more

Lights Out

Youngblood (2005)

Overload, Lights Out first full-length, is nothing less than amazing. Honestly I was not expecting this from the band because after listening to Get Out so many times, it got rather old. But this new album still hasn't gotten old and I've listened to it every day since I got it. And the reason is that on Overload, Lights Out … Read more

Lil Fame & Termanology

Brick (2012)

Lil Fame of M.O.P., going by his producer moniker “Fizzy Womack,” has crafted soundscapes for a for the likes of Kool G Rap, Cam’Ron and the Wu-Tang Clan, as well as a number of songs in M.O.P.’s catalogue. So when Boston emcee Termanology set out to start work on another solo album he linked up with Fame to be his … Read more

Lil Wayne

Tha Carter III
Cash Money (2008)

Over the course of the past two years, virtually no rapper has been more prolific than Lil Wayne. The New Orleans born and bred, former Hot Boy, and face of the Cash Money Millionaires compiled over one thousand verses during this time period through a combination of his own mixtapes as well as guest appearances on other mainstream tracks and … Read more

Lily Allen

Alright, Still
Regal/Parlaphone (2006)

Anyone from the United Kingdom that hasn't heard of young Miss Allen has either been living under a stone for the last four months or is at least fifty years old - not saying that fifty year olds haven't heard of her, just they are oooooolld. The daughter of "comedian" Keith Allen and "the newest face of the Myspace generation," … Read more


Hi, Everything's Great
Doghouse (2003)

Consistency is a hard thing to perfect. Too many bands aim too high and pollute their great ideas with sub-par songs, whereas an equal amount simply don't try hard enough or cop out for easy formulas, making their songs generic and boring in the process. Limbeck is one of those bands who manages to get things right for the most … Read more

Lingua Ignota

Sinner Get Ready
Sargent House (2021)

It is an act of courage to redefine oneself. Especially when the initial recipe and direction has been exciting and challenging. Yet, when a project is as intricate as Kristen Hayter’s Lingua Ignota there should not be any surprise when evolution is afoot. Hayter started in the underground, releasing the first two records of her project independently. Through the raw … Read more

Linkin Park

Minutes to Midnight
Warner Bros. (2007)

Like their peers Limp Bizkit, Korn and Slipknot, Linkin Park occupies the mysterious musical category of "Oh, they're still around?" In 2007, with the nu-metal genre almost completely replaced by nu-emo, the lumbering rap-rock of these late 90s behemoths is missing and presumed dead. So where does that leave Linkin Park? In the commercial musical world, it's evolve or die, … Read more

Lion of Judah

Soul Power
Lockin Out (2005)

Despite the obviously hippie-drawn, almost Narnian cover art, and a band name perhaps more likely to evoke visions of reggae or, even worse, Christian rock, Lion of Judah sound much more interested in the likes of Bad Brains and Fugazi than Bob Marley or Creed. Putting the DC back in hardcore - rightfully making it "harDCore" once again - Lion … Read more

Lion of Judah

Universal Peace
Youngblood (2006)

Youngblood Records has always been a good consistent label that specialized is putting out albums by fast pissed off straightedge bands like Carry On, Far From Breaking, and Desperate Measures. You always knew what you were going to get when you picked up a Youngblood release and I never put up a fight because I happen to like fast pissed … Read more


Superczar and the Vulture
Pentimento Music (2011)

I rarely listen to music that isn't at least fifteen minutes long per song or lacks internal movement titles, so when I received Lionize's Superczar and the Vulture, understand I was stepping pretty far outside of my normal purview--I was pretty much giving this album a chance based on the incredibly intriguing title alone. Much to my surprise, I wound … Read more

Lions Lions

To Carve Our Names
Hollywood Waste (2012)

Lions Lions are a band you should be listening to, but probably aren’t. Regardless of the years spent developing in the local New England scene in a myriad of other very talented bands (including Vanna and Therefore I Am), Lions Lions continue to fly under the radar amongst the throngs of typical pop-punk bands now clogging up a new generation’s … Read more


Independent (2009)

In what's already been a solid year for punk releases, Lipona's new self-released EP, Pigeonholed might fall under the radar to most listeners but if you do come across it, I would strongly suggest giving it a listen. Pigeonholed is a short but sweet EP of some nicely executed punk rock with a bit of a hardcore edge. The lyrics … Read more

Liquid Limbs

Sound Study (2008)

I've never understood the concept of two-piece rock bands. Okay, smartasses, I get it; it's two people in a band. However I never grasped the concept of why these two people choose to call themselves a band when obviously the musical term to describe their joint venture would be duo. When a person thinks of a band a picture at … Read more