Though many have tried to position singer/songwriter Meg Myers as the latest in the line of angsty female singers that includes the likes of Fiona Apple, the alarming level of bitterness and near hostility found in the lyrics of theMake a Shadow EP, the second release from the ferocious former Jehovah’s Witness, almost puts her in a different league entirely. … Read more
Heavy music is back on the upswing in South Florida. Torche, forging on where Floor left off, has been making noise on both a national and European stage with their bomb-string-fueled stoner pop. Shitstorm has been wreaking havoc playing blastbeat-laden grindcore in the style of gems from the glory days of Slap-A-Ham and 625 Records. And Consular has been delivering … Read more
Some critics may think that their age gives them more credit and validates every opinion they have. I am on the lower end of the age spectrum when it comes to critics, but that doesn't mean I have no clue what I'm talking about when it comes to music. Hey, I'm not a worldly expert but I think I can … Read more
The West Coast seems to have an air of a free spirit that allows songwriters to write various types of music there. About two years ago, I started listening to several California pop bands including Phantom Planet (pre-garage-band-wannabe stage), Rooney, the Like, the Waking Hours, Everybody Else, and Rilo Kiley for their great pop sensibilities. Melée is a pop band … Read more
Los Angeles by way of Boston by way of Miami by way of Venezuela, Mellowdrone return with a second full-length recording in a career that now spans ten years. While the first five years saw Mellowdrone remarkably productive as a solo venture releasing a series of EP's, it took a while to produce the first long player. The now trio … Read more
I really love this kind of music but it has to be the most difficult thing for the musicians themselves to pull of or to be lauded for. There has to be more bands playing psychedelic heavy, Black Sabbath/Blue Cheer rock than any other type of music and every single reviewer writes the same thing every single time; "It's good … Read more
Listening to Melt Banana carries a list of requirements: Deal with the vocals. Deal with annoying noises. If you can't handle the speed and the fury, don't even bother. If you can embrace these qualities fully, you can totally understand why Melt Banana is such an important figure in noise rock. They slush together punk and noise rock elements and … Read more
You know Melt Banana, right? Their guitarist has SARS. Doesn't ring a bell? They're arguably the best Japan has to offer in terms of good no wave music? They had a split with (what used to be) everyone's favorite grind-core band The Locust a little more than a year ago? The split was despised by fans and critics alike? Still … Read more
Some of you may recall a band by the name of Renee Heartfelt. They were a fairly short-lived group that released an EP and a full-length before abruptly disbanding a few years back; an unfortunate happening as their 2005 release Death of the Ghost was absolutely stunning. Well, vocalist Pete Appleby has returned with Memorial; so now we can feel … Read more
Ever since their debut full length, Sleepwalking, Memphis May Fire have departed from the southern tinged metalcore they were known for, and instead have adopted a more straight forward approach to the genre. This move had alienated a large portion of their audience, and obscured their identity in the process. But fortunately this change in sound has been fully realized … Read more
Richard "Dick" Proenneke died in 2003 after living alone in the Alaskan wilderness for roughly thirty years. He built his own furniture after constructing a cabin for himself, was attacked by bears, and almost tamed a wolverine. Proenneke's naturalist life and journalistic observations at Twin Lakes is an obvious influence for Men as Trees' third release on Daijoubu Records, as … Read more
The idea of releasing a "Greatest Hits" package for a band like Men's Recovery Project seems laughable on the surface. Emerging out of the scorched carcass of Born Against, Men's Recovery Project left an embarrassing stain on the face of mid-'90s hardcore, offering messy, aberrant punk fueled by primitive, farting electronics and a defiant sense of weirdness. This isn't the … Read more
Though many people – even those who weren’t around when the system was - could probably rattle off several of the more popular NES titles of the 8-bit era, there was a whole world of games existing outside the realm of the familiar gray plastic cartridge. Developed by independent publishers, unlicensed NES games appeared in misshapen, strangely colored plastic housing … Read more
After dropping their debut album Ratworld earlier this year, Leeds-based Menace Beach have wasted no time in producing an energetic but decidedly more focused follow-up. The five songs on the Super Transporterreum EP exist most obviously in the grunge spectrum, imagining what a less depressive and moody Nirvana would have sounded like. What immediately struck me about the EP was … Read more
Up until now I believed that Menace Ruine would not release anything that I would find mind blowing. Their three previous albums (Cult of Ruins, The Die Is Cast and Union of Irreconcilables), although good releases, could not prepare me at the slightest for what Menace Ruine was able to conjure with Alight In Ashes. The band brings together elements … Read more
Meneguar, formerly Sheryl's Magnetic Aura, hails from New York and has members of Books Lie, I Am the Resurrection, and The State Secedes. Despite the impressive background of influential and often underrated hardcore bands, Meneguar doesn't bear much resemblance to their previous endeavors. In fact, they're not even hardcore. However, this is definitely as good as or better than anything … Read more
Let's be completely honest, Meneguar is an overrated band. But what's wrong with being overrated? Refused, Converge, Nirvana, even The Beatles are overrated, and I don't think anyone would argue the impact and talent each band had or continue to have on their respective genres of music. I'm in no way trying to compare Meneguar to any of the bands … Read more
Wow, this is really rare. Admittedly, this is my first exposure to Menomena - in a nostalgic sort of way; I love their band name. I was drawn to Friend and Foe, the second full-length from the band, because of the superior artwork that they employ for the packaging of the record. What is inside that packaging was a total … Read more
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