Even on the Worst Nights beams with positivity. Sure, a closer listen will reveal a lot of sarcasm in the sugar-pop sound, but the first impression is one of balloons and puppy dogs, not shaking one’s fists in anger or letting loose a crippling, agonizing scream. The Cincinnati, OH band is clean and crisp, with singalongs, brevity, and self-awareness as … Read more
It’s still a bit hard to grasp what grabs me about Even on the Worst Nights. It finally clicked, though, as I drove through rural Minnesota prairie towns, stopping at the varied towns’ lone stoplights and taking in the familiar quiet downtowns and the fading paintjobs. Thematically the record reminisces on the longing of a small town youth trying to … Read more
Mock Orange took me completely by surprise. They only just came to my attention despite having been a band for nearly 2 decades. Although, they didn’t begin to gain some exposure until their third album, Nines and Sixes, in 1998. It’s 2011 now, and they still seem to be Indie’s little secret after the Spring release of Disguised As Ghosts.The … Read more
There are a select few records in my collection that I can always count on to produce an unbridled sense of nostalgia. A classic to turn to when in need of some youthful energy, that little rush of euphoria when singing along with a favorite group-chorus, or that story to remind us of when life was much simpler. Emo and … Read more
If I were to label the music of Modern Baseball, genre would not be the most adequate descriptor. It fits with some difficulty into the category of pop punk or emo, but even that requires a bit of beating them into a mold. As pretentious as it sounds, a better characterization of the four man band from Philadelphia would probably … Read more
Modern Life is War are flirting with a backlash. Plenty of people hated Witness despite the fact that it upped the ante on My Love. My Way. like a gambler splashing the pot, with songs that stood taller, lingered in your head longer, and cut like a Bowie knife (i.e. through human flesh). But still we hear the same old … Read more
Following the group’s ambitious 2010 debut The Great Prophecy of a Small Man, Dutch group Modest Midget returns with 2014’s Crysis, an album that’s equally as sprawling, eclectic, and generally cheerful as its predecessor. Admittedly, it took me a few listens to really get into what Modest Midget had to offer on their first album, and this second effort is … Read more
Modest Mouse's We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank have proven to be a difficult album for the staff of Scene Point Blank. Since it's release we have had a number of staff writer's attempt to put into words what makes this album so good. And yet, in all of their attempts, not one has been able to come … Read more
The indie nation are a bunch of whiners. Not only that, but they're pretentious, snobbish, and apparently humorless. Probably why Mogwai has always stuck out like a sore thumb around most of the journalists, scenesters, and bands. From the widespread-yet-untrue "Slint-knockoffs" title to the apathetic attitude that's been widely misconstrued as a general "Fuck you" to the public, Mogwai's always … Read more
Mogwai is a band that is extremely difficult to like. Though they are one of the cornerstone bands of the post-rock genre, their discography lacks a lot of the consistent strength found with acts such as Explosions in the Sky or Long Distance Calling. Don't misunderstand me; they have released some fine albums (Mogwai Young Team and Ten Rapid in … Read more
I'm riding a veritable roller coaster. Yes, arguably the most clichéd analogy to begin any form of discussion about a post-rock record; I'm painfully aware but it's late and I'm tired. But I'm not going to compare the music itself to an intricate, high energy ride, but rather to my own reaction to it. My own perception and reaction to … Read more
The usual post-rock sites were ablaze with "new Mogwai is boring" posts a few weeks before it was released, which signaled not only the impending leak had finally happened, but also the expected, but all-too-easy, tendency to judge before really listening. I would have just ignored these dismissals anyway, but they got me wondering what to expect with album previews … Read more
Moistboyz aren’t a particularly active group. The band, based around the duo of vocalist Guy Heller and multi-instrumentalist Mickey Melchiondo (aka Dean Ween), has only released five items in about twenty years. V is the third full-length in that bunch and, while the artists have aged, it’s clear they haven’t matured.The band plays an eclectic hard rock, with Heller’s sing-shout … Read more
How do you tell a fairy tale using only sound? That's a question seemingly answered by Japanese artist Mokumedori's self-titled album. Utilizing an eclectic variety of instruments, many of the toy variety, this album appeals directly to the imagination of its listener, almost daring you to come up with a story to accompany the music. While some might be tempted … Read more
This is my first exposure to Molia Falls, as it may be for some others as well, and I am not sure what to expect at all from the CD that sits here. The packaging tells me little or rather, gives no impression of the type of music that may be hiding on this EP and that gives me pause. … Read more
Momentum is a melodic hardcore band from the UK that writes music with a message. Whetting Occam's Razor is a full length that explores many different ideas with smart lyrics. Front man Alex (of Light Bearer and formerly Fall of Efrafa) writes with reason and intent combined with powerful music. At times, this album comes together to be something special. … Read more
I probably should have known something was up when two thirds of the reviews I read of Mommy and Daddy's Duel at Dawn talked more about how much fun they are live when you didn't quite know what to expect from them than about the album. Let it be a lesson to me. Who knows? Maybe, had I been in … Read more
In a past life – OK, like eight years ago - I found myself working at a furniture factory in small town Pennsylvania. While I've found worse methods of employment from time to time, this job was, to put it mildly, not an ideal use of my time and talents, revolving around strenuous manual labor and a generally mind-numbing work … Read more
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