Supergroups are a curious entity, as they often appear to be incredible in the idea stage, but the expectations often exceed the execution. Fortunately, the classic phrase "too many chefs in the kitchen" does not apply to Only Crime - whose talents have been involved with acts such as Bane, Converge, Descendents, Good Riddance, and Gwar - because they are … Read more
Only Thieves pay homage to the Boss with their cover to Greeting from Levy Park, T.L.H., but the tribute doesn't stop at the artwork. From the get go of "Hammered for the Holidays" there's a clear striving toward outspoken, plainclothes guitarman at the center. However, there's a more of a band feel to it, and more Gaslight Anthem than Springsteen. … Read more
Chicago’s Oozing Wound have been riding the thrash train since their inception in 2011, yet this trio are more than just that label, instead they are a band that incorporates many different aspects of the metal world into their music and in doing so create high energy vibrations that enable them to put their points across in a fun and … Read more
Ophiolatry is another band that, like their labelmates Black Flame, is a true force in the black arts to be reckoned with. Ophiolatry (the worship of serpents) has more of a grind aspect to their sound than their respected brethren. Relentless blastbeats and truly brutal guitar work that have the ability to pummel the listener into a fine powder. The … Read more
It’s something new if you’ve never heard something old before- in the best way possible. Despite the general overcrowding of the UK post-punk scene, Opus Kink cut their own silhouette with My Eyes, Brother!. Opus Kink are a UK based sextet, who released their debut EP, ‘Til The Stream Runs Dry, in June 2022 to critical acclaim. Four singles from … Read more
Orange Island are one of those bands who have had the unfortunate luck of being horribly mislabeled as emo. A more accurate description of their sound would be calling them an abrasive yet matured indie-rock band with an awareness of a pop-filled past. With the help of two previous releases, an EP and full-length with Iodine Records, Orange Island have … Read more
With a hard copy release that’s designed to look like a blood-spattered wedding invitation, The Messiah is Back has to be one of the most excitingly eclectic and boundlessly imaginative albums that came out in 2014 – or any year for that matter. Produced by Polish group Orange the Juice which, with its seven player lineup more resembles a jazz … Read more
The avant-garde used to be something that was looked upon as something altogether too strange, something to be listened to in private and whispered about to that one friend you had that also liked weird stuff. Now, it’s a marker of exciting experimentation, it’s celebrated, even, as a style that is moving music forward and giving some genres new leases … Read more
Oranssi Pazuzu are claiming to be coming from Finland… truth is that a more likely point of origin for this band is outer space. Even their name has an intriguing story behind it, with the band taking the word “Oranssi”, which means orange, as a reference to the first light rays in the big bang, and following with the name … Read more
Värähtelijä marks Oranssi Pazuzu’s fourth foray into the outer reaches and the Finnish band pull no punches in creating a record that melds tripped out cosmic rhythms with the distinct aesthetics of modern black metal. Oranssi Pazuzu aren’t your typical Finnish black metal band and with their music they set out to push the boundaries of what the genre should … Read more
Let's talk about cajones for a minute.Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, aside from being a formidable, densely written, obtuse tome, is one of the most important books in the history of philosophy. But the reason philosophy students still struggle through semester-long courses in order to scratch the surface of this nigh-impregnable monolith isn't for the blind satisfaction of having … Read more
When I hear this album I smell dust. It might not make sense to you, or to me for that matter, but it is what it is. Some albums, particularly in the ambient vein, take me to strange places that can be either outside or inside. Oren Ambarchi takes me to the attic that I haven't been up to in … Read more
I’m not biased. Not really. I just don’t like it. It, being pop-punk. I’m just young enough that the initial wave of melodic, palm-muted, nasal voiced rock revival passed by while I was listening to Hannah Montana on my parent’s five disk stereo. However, I’m just old enough that I don’t find the modern-day nostalgic rehash all that impressive. There … Read more
Chicagoan quartet Ormen Lange (probably named after the mightiest Viking longship, not the natural gas field on the Norwegian continental shelf) are far from a unique band--how many lightly progressive sorta instrumental artists can you name off the top of your head? Probably enough to feel as disillusioned as I. But despite my admitted jadedness with the genre, I still … Read more
Loads of venues are struggling to keep existing. Not being able to host shows is hurting them big time. A good thing bands like Orphanage Named Earth are stepping up for one such venue. Sibiř a cultural center in Brno, Czech Republic, which they know as they played there in 2018. Sibiř has hosted many DIY bands from all over … Read more
Orphanage Named Earth is Polish band that plays romantic crust. I'll explain later on what to expect, but let me tell you up front: in a strange way it is a pretty accurate description. Orphanage Named Earth started a few years back, in 2015 and have released one demo so far. Re-Evolve is their debut and it is an album … Read more
Last year around this time I was reviewing the debut album of Orphanage Named Earth. It was an album I enjoyed but had some remarks on as well. My two main remarks on the album were that the vocals tended to be a bit monotonous and secondly that the songwriting became a little formulaic. Not in a way it hindered … Read more
Music with a message has long been a starting point for many bands but for Orphaned Land that message is of the most extreme importance. Spreading the missive of peace and understanding has been at the root of the Israeli band and their output since the very beginning and over the last twenty six years. Addressing the turmoil that has … Read more
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