One might be hard pressed to envision a band that seems to exemplify a road warrior type touring ethic than that of the hard working group, Planes Mistaken for Stars. It is a sad day to see these stalwarts finally calling it a day after three albums and numerous EPs, particularly after the release of Mercy, which I still think … Read more
Planet Asia has built a long history in underground hip hop. While certainly not the best known to most he has built his career from the ground up. Through failed major label deals and a lack of recognition he has made himself known through his hard work and consistency. Most rappers couldn't be bothered with the struggles he has gone … Read more
Justin Pearson. The only person who you could hear Mike Patton say “Goddamn, that guy’s in a lot of bands”. And it’s true. The list of groups Pearson has been a part of reads longer than his lyric sheets. But within the myriad of music the man has released, Planet B is somewhat of an anomaly. There are synths. There … Read more
There’s been few bands in recent memory as polarizing as The Locust. Upon the first few listens, they sound like the aural equivalent of severed nerve endings after an industrial lathe accident. But if you stick with them - and particularly if you’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing them live, what once seemed all pandemonium and chaos becomes clear … Read more
The successor to Planks 2010 release, the warmly received The Darkest of Grays, is the destitute sounds of Funeral Mouth – a record which bridges the blackened gap between sludge and hardcore and maybe a little crust with frantic shouts and depth of purpose. The German trio have been treading the fine lines of genre cross-over for many a moon … Read more
Would you rather a musician be great live commanding all manner of powers that conjure spirits and whisk the entire gathering to a place of other or of temporary enlightenment, or would you rather that same musician be a paragon of studio craft, wielding instruments like a paintbrush and the studio like a canvas?I was standing on the side of … Read more
We all have our dark places and those journeys to and through and from those midnight shores in the bleak silence of night can produce some of the most meaningful moments of one’s life whether it be a conversation with a person that you barely know or just sitting with your cat staring into its eyes wondering what its thinking … Read more
Alright laugh all you want at my horrid addictions, but until you plunge into Late Twenties Blues yourself, you will not have the faintest idea why this tape is on its fourteenth spin already today in my tape deck (not kidding, I am going to have to get another copy as a backup for this in case I completely wear … Read more
Are late passes allowed in the internet age where people get to hear the latest music from musicians as soon as 2 minutes (give or take due to their proficiency with certain computer skills) and almost always before the record is released anymore? Leaving sat in an envelope in my house for several months (while I feverishly searched for the … Read more
Do you listen to music that reflects your mood, or do you listen to music to alter just how you are feeling? A simple question really but one that means serious implications for people’s listening habits, it certainly goes back to what Rob Gordon says in High Fidelity, “What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids … Read more
Hub City Hardcore may not be on par with Greek mythology in terms of their incestuous relations, but with the debut of Plastic Cross, the New Brunswick, NJ brings yet another band of familiar faces playing a wholly new sound. The band is comprised of familiar Hub City Hardcore faces, with ex-members of The Scarlet Letter, Doc Hopper, Down in … Read more
Playing Enemy is a three-piece band made up of ex-members of Kiss it Goodbye and Rorschach. I do not bring that up as a selling point, but rather to give an inkling as to the school of thought from which the music is derived. Accessory is a two-song EP that may serve as the band's swan song seeing as they … Read more
The members of Playing Enemy certainly have an impressive resume of musical ventures in which they have been previously involved: Rorschach, Kiss it Goodbye, Deadguy, Undertow, and Nineironspitfire among others. But rather than re-hash sounds and styles characteristic of those projects, Playing Enemy, instead ventured down a different path in the hardcore/metal realm. The Seattle-based band first hit the scene … Read more
Hardcore is a genre that is known to be stifled in it's own mediocrity. Creativity is frowned upon, in fact, in the hardcore scene it seems as if everything is backwards. Mediocre, stagnant bands are often regarded as the best in the genre, and creative bands that take risks are usually scorned. With that in mind, it's great to see … Read more
Plosivs are a new band with a lot of familiar faces. And, consequently, familiar voices too. Comprised of John Reis (Hot Snakes/Rocket From The Crypt/Drive Like Jehu), Rob Crow (Pinback), Atom Willard (Against Me!) and Jordan Clark (Mrs. Magician), it delivers almost exactly what you’d expect. It has Reis’ entrenched rock ‘n’ roll sensibility and surf-tinged, hook-driven, punked-up power-pop with … Read more
After a run from 1992-1998, Plow United reformed in 2011 and they return with new material in the form of Marching Band (Jump Start Records). Plow United hasn’t just re-formed, they’ve written the best 1990s record of the 2010s. Brian McKee’s voice has matured with the years and the songs are tighter and more polished than their early output. Some … Read more
Well, it's nice to know that this year so many of my favorite bands put out new records and one of them is Pohgoh. Pohgoh is a band that is known for contributing to a legendary emo compilation called Emo Diary. The comp is an influential artifact for emo scenes, containing many notable bands, such as Jimmy Eat World, Planes … Read more
The latest Poison Idea record, from the first impression left by the packaging, seems like a somber album rooted in tragedy. Originally dedicated to a recently deceased fan, Poison Idea was struck the heaviest blow of all - guitarist Pig Champion died of health complications. Latest Will and Testament explains itself - this record arrives as a way to remember … Read more
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