I've never had panic sex, and I don't really want to. It's not really a term that can have many happy endings. There are really only three things I can associate with panic sex: an unwanted pregnancy, an STD, or a dead hooker. Not what I want the outcome of any sexual encounter to be. But now a more positive … Read more
It's a rare delight when music completely unknown to you pops out of thin air to become one of your favorite releases of the year. Not that I intend to give away the ending of this review or anything. Like most music of genuine quality, the sound of Polar Life is a tricky one to define easily. The lead is … Read more
All right, it's time for me to flash my hipster / indie cred. I was totally into sleepmakeswaves while they were still a small band on the Lost Children net label! BEAT THAT.*ahem* In all seriousness, these guys have been on my radar for a long while now. They've already released two EPs (one of which is album length), one … Read more
If you've never seen Sleepytime Gorilla Museum live, do yourself the favor the next time they come to your town, berg or hamlet. They might not necessarily become your new favorite band, but I guarantee you won't regret having gone. The flip side to being such a great live act is the music can often fail to live up to … Read more
Derek Edward Miller and Alexis Krauss start this record like it's a Van Halen concert. They're tricking you into thinking that maybe after the Skins commercials that had everyone humming "Kids," after the Williamsburg and Pitchfork royalty fame, and after all the music festivals they attended last year, they were going to take things in a different direction - maybe … Read more
A few years ago I went to one of those parties that a lot of us have attended. There was plenty of PBR flowing and occupants had their fair share of scarves on. Yes, it was a hipster party and I was miserable. The girls there were all too young for me to bother hitting on and all the guys … Read more
Dennis: When browsing through new releases in my overflowing inbox I decided to go for Slow Crush. It is released on Church Road Records, a sympathetic new label and mentioned shoegaze, dream pop and indie rock. I may not have the deepest of knowledge on this genre, but enough to give you an honest opinion. To my surprise I was … Read more
Why do bands or musical partners decide to reconvene to see if the magic can still be conjured? There a slew of bands that have reunited for various reasons (cash grabs, nostalgia trips, etc) over the last five to ten years that range from exciting to shaking one’s head as to why reunions take place, and then, every once in … Read more
The members of Baltimore based Slumlords have been around the proverbial block a few times and know their niche. On their previous releases the band wrote street punk influenced hardcore songs. The songs tackled both serious topics as well as everyday topics that could be joked about. On the Stremph!, is comprised of, you guessed it, a combination of street … Read more
It's been 8 years since Small Brown Bike released their last full length, The River Bed, but they haven't lost their touch in the slightest. The band's back, and it's almost as if they never stopped writing together. Fell & Found follows the thread left dangling from The River Bed and even expands upon it. They open the record with … Read more
I once spent a month sleeping in a cramped, musty basement that doubled as a practice space for Small Towns Burn a Little Slower. They practiced three nights a week from 7 to 9 busting out what would eventually lead to the songs that make up the majority of Mortality as Home Entertainment. I couldn't stand living in the same … Read more
Smartbomb return with their debut full-length, Diamond Heist, following the quite promising debut EP Chaos and Lawlessness. The band's first long-player is packed with more of what we heard on the EP, fast-paced punk with a melodic twist. Diamond Heist kicks off with "Barely Legal." First and foremost, you are met with a fury of searing guitars of Billy Bean … Read more
More and more it seems the once outer edges of Black Metal have become some of their most well known to the outside world. Where as at one point bands like Alcest and Agalloch would have very little standing outside of their little piece of the record buying public, they may be a couple of the most well known current … Read more
Sophomore slumps are a bitch. Smoke or Fire's debut full-length, Above the City, was a nice, short, potent shot of melodic punk with introspective lyrics that felt honest and kept it simple, but This Sinking Ship sounds more like the band is trying too hard to prove that they're relevant. This Sinking Ship is overflowing with political rants, tales of … Read more
Brooklyn's Smother Party come armed with an intriguing name and an interesting sound. Apparently gaining the band name from an old English custom of literally covering bedridden family members with mattresses and, well, smothering them. This loving ritual was deemed "a smother party." How perfectly morbid. It's the fascinating nom de plume that piqued my interest in the band, and … Read more
Every so often you end up with a friend's bands demo in your hands and most of the time, let's be fair, you are just at the shows and buying the demos and merch to help support your friends. Most of the time you have to admit that there is a hint of jealousy at the fact that it's them, … Read more
Punk rock, man. Sometimes a band just does it right. Iron Lung released First Kiss on February 28 and it’s a doozy. There are only 8 songs here, and they fly by in probably 10 minutes. It’s fast and furious, with a whole lotta swagger and vitriol. The record sounds like aggression, pure and simple. I’m generally not an angry … Read more
If you're going to name your band after a record by one of your genres chosen greats, then you better have the musical balls to back it up. And damn, do Snailking back it up. Taking their name from Ufomammut's second album, Snailking tread in their path whilst building their own identity as a massive and heavy prospect in the … Read more
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