I expected every webzine, music mogul, and rock print publication to give the newest Weezer album a bad review. I figured that Van Weezer - titled in tribute to, well, you know - was next in a line of punching bags that were guilty of not being Pinkerton. Well, fuck me - most of the big-name publication reviews have been … Read more
Oh, Weezer. Here we are, album six for the band who've spent an entire career trying to figure out who they are. Are they The Pixies-aping geek rockers with a penchant for nerdery and romance? Are they riff-wielding guitar heroes rocking ironic stadiums? Are they misunderstood indie icons? Are they, um, white-boy rap? The band's third self-titled album - referred … Read more
The introduction of a review is usually a chance to capture the reader with something funny or even insightful. Considering it's 2:27 AM and I can't go to sleep, all that's on my mind is this Welcome the Plague Year album and how much it's going to suck when I have to get on an airplane in 5.5 hours. There … Read more
There are bands who you rush to get the new record to see what direction they’ve gone. There are others you return to time-after-time because they have a style and they’ve nailed it. File Western Addition in the latter category. Frail Bray continues their West Coast melodic hardcore tradition without any surprise changes-of-direction.The band plays what used to be called … Read more
Has it really been 12 years since Cognicide? Well, Western Addiction are back with another single word, make-you-think album title in Tremulous. They may have skipped releasing records for the entire Obama presidency (plus some), but the band didn’t mellow with age.Tremulous is 11 songs of melodic hardcore. Led by Chad Williams’ power drumming, Williams punctuates the sound while the … Read more
When listening to a band you’ve never heard of, it’s a lot easier to make all those “sounds like” comments. Whether that’s why I think Western Settings sounds so much like some familiar favorites, or if that’s because they really do, well, that’s maybe beside the point anyway. It’s punk rock, man. There’s supposed to be a touch of derivation … Read more
Based on the name, pop-punk sounds like a limited genre. There are a million bands that sound like the Ramones. There are also a million copycats of that stuff that hit big in the early Aughts. But we aren’t going there… What Goes Up proves that you can make emotional, driving, yet poppy punk rock tunes that vary in sound … Read more
What-A-Nights are a Japanese four-piece punk group, mostly falling on the pop-punk side of the spectrum, with some tight Buzzcocks sensibility seeping in. Their self-titled full-length, first self-released in Japan and now brought to the larger masses by Drunk Sailor Records, brings ten songs of soaring melody, hooky guitar, and positive vibes.The songs, while labeled as pop-punk, utilize the guitar … Read more
On Happy B-Day Mike, the latest self-release from math rockin’ boys What’s Fluffy, the Bloomfield, NJ quartet fires out six sonic anecdotes of hypnotic guitar lines, swaying time signatures, sparkling saxophonic blows, and never-ending feelings.The EP, running at just over 18 minutes, opens up with “I Really Hate Cats”. The track isn’t something PETA should be worried about: it’s meant … Read more
Breathe In Breathe Out. Wheezing is often heard as a whistling sound primarily while breathing out but can also be heard when taking deep breaths. It is frequently attributed to the small Bronchial Tubes situated deep within the lungs. However, a maniac can often be seen as a derogatory term used in place of a lunatic, mad person, loony, wing … Read more
Most of the materials I get in for review usually goes on at least one bus ride with me. It's the perfect time for me to take a more in depth listen without being interrupted by work, phone calls, roommates, Josh IMing me about Fastbreak lyrics, or any other hinderances that deviate from the task of giving a CD a … Read more
It surely takes balls to release your own record nowadays (not that it didn't back in the day), but some bands do believe in what they are doing enough to take such a plunge. Where the Land Meets the Sea offer Listen for the Gulls as proof that some bands, be it punk or not, still breath some life into … Read more
Formerly known as Whirl this band has been within the emerging hype machine of the shoegaze / Dream pop underground. After a demo and EP that were both well regarded they managed to both change their name, get noticed more, and get signed by psych rock label Tee-Pee Records. Their past EP Distressor contained showed a band with the ability … Read more
Whiskey & Co. are something of an outlier on the No Idea Records roster, but it’s still a cultural fit. Their boozy, swaying country may not be in the same vein as the gruff punk “Gainesville sound,” but it’s a fitting morning after with its laid back, introspective vibe. Ripped Together, Torn Apart is their latest, and it’s a solid … Read more
Whiskey & Co.’s sound hasn’t changed, even if a couple members have. On their third record, the Gainesville band continues their old-school flavored country that spends as much time regretting past decisions as it does swilling beer at the corner bar. Like its predecessors, Rust Colors mines familiar themes- exploring the emotional gamut and adding a bit of boogie-down twang … Read more
Do you enjoy the taste of cheap beer? Do you pronounce the words creek as "crick" and hollow as "holler"? Have you ever gone "cow-tipping"? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I've got a record for you! The self-titled debut of Gainesville, Florida's Whiskey & Co. is 9 punk-tinged country songs about booze and pills, lost … Read more
Deep Fantasy is pissed off, but it could still use a good angry howl every so often.The record, the third from Vancouver’s White Lung, is their first on Domino Records and was recorded as a trio (though they still tour as a quartet). The band has seen its fair share of comparisons to Pretty Girls Make Graves and this release … Read more
If you were a fan of White Lung's debut album, It's The Evil, for it's raw and straight forward approach, then you might be a little taken aback by the sophomore record, Sorry. They've re-evaluated their style of songwriting and have turned it into something more melodic and refined. It was all for the better though. Make no mistake, the … Read more
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