Kensington Heights is the fourth album from Ontario's Constantines and their first since 2005. The group, best known for a powerful live show, has yet to capture their stage presence on a piece of wax. However, the record takes strides and shows flashes of that magic energy that sets the group apart from many other indie rockers. The band uses … Read more
Coptic Times is the latest output from the Texas hardcore scene, but after repeated listens to Temptation that might be one of the last places you'd think they were from. Featuring members of Iron Age and Drop Out, Coptic Times doesn't really fit in with their Texan peers. Rather, the sounds of these fives tracks would be better suited to … Read more
The liner notes for Sigillum Luciferi are emblazoned with the phase "tune down, smoke up," which really ought to be the motto for any self-respecting stoner/doom/sludge band. Cough definitely fits that sound to a "t," and the packaging of the album, adorned with naked chicks, occult symbols, and pot leaves, does as well. But how does Cough stack up with … Read more
Counting the Days is back with two new tracks following an LP release in 2006. These songs are very much in line with their previous ventures. They mix melodic hardcore of Champion and Reach the Sky with the faster style of American Nightmare. "Tonight" is the better of the two tracks. The songs should provide a holdover until the band's … Read more
Orange County was a breeding ground for hardcore in the early 80's. While many might suggest that the scene there has died off, they couldn't be more wrong. Creatures is one of many upcoming hardcore groups bringing credibility back to the area. After turning heads with a demo, Creatures quickly recorded for a new EP. The six songs that make … Read more
Crevecoeur are a French three-piece outfit which play a style of music that brings to mind the expansiveness of soundtracks. These nine songs comprise the group's second album since their formation as a duo in 2003 and first for Denovali Records. Considering that I have no previous exposure to the band, an admission to being roped in by their comparison … Read more
The singer of Crime Desire is dead ringer for Rasaraja/Robert Fish of 108/Judas Factor fame. So I can't help to think that Crime Desire is either a Krishna band or some post hardcore unit from the Revelation catalog in the early part of this decade. I probably couldn't be more wrong. Musically Crime Desire reminds of those type of bands … Read more
If Selective Wreckage would have came out after the Troubled Stateside instead of Dead no one would of batted an eye. Most of the songs on Selective Wreckage are more in the vein us Crime in Stereo fans were used before the band decided to take an unexpected turn into brand new (ha ha ha) territory of emotive pop … Read more
I love it when hardcore bands up their game. I understand it's hardcore and bands have made decade-long careers on releasing the same album year after year. Or usually they run out of material and gracefully bail out after an EP and one full-length. However with Prying Eyes Cruel Hand decided to out-do themselves with releasing one of the better … Read more
1. This is soundtrack music. I couldn't hear it at all until I took a drive through the hills, windows down at night, blaring this EP to stay awake until I got home. I put it on because all I could hear in it was THE KIND OF SHIT TO WHICH YOU CANNOT FALL SLEEP. Which I more or less … Read more
After four albums of progressive refinement of their compositional abilities, sound, themes, and overall work, Cult of Luna is releasing their fifth and latest full-length, Eternal Kingdom on an increasingly rabid following of people who enjoy their records. Again this new record links its songs thematically in a cycle that deals with the world of a murdering lunatic of whom … Read more
Finally, I seriously have been waiting for this album since Cursed released last year's furious EP, Blackout at Sunrise. No, scratch that because the wait has been going since I listened to II (their obviously titled second album), and while Blackout at Sunrise was a bit of a tease and served to get listeners through until III. Cursed lay down … Read more
If you have the good/bad fortune to live in the U.K., you will in all likelihood have a fairly limited view of hip-hop. For many years it kind of bypassed us, only really hitting the charts in the mid-to-late 1990s with the gangsta boom (a term which I am hoping will catch on). As a result, most U.K. hip-hop is … Read more
Hailing from Germany, the "post-rock" sounding Daturah offer Reverie, as their first full-length (following a self-titled EP which they self-released in 2005 and Graveface released in 2006) since their inception in 2003. This album, at five tracks long still clocks in with just about an hour's worth of music. The band focus more heavily on the ambient aspects of their … Read more
I remember The Postman Syndrome; their lone full-length, Terraforming is a hidden gem chock full of references to the landmark Japanese anime Neon Genesis: Evangelion and intricate songs which contain equal parts fret board gymnastics and melody. Day Without Dawn is the product of that band minus one member and quite a bit of a challenge, which a band can … Read more
Dead to Me is one of those bands that has been generating a lot of buzz since their debut Cuban Ballerina . I never understood all the fuss. I thought they were okay, but nothing on that album really stood out to me. And I didn't listen to it enough to have it really grow on me, as some people … Read more
Bad Blood is the debut effort from Swedish hardcore outfit Dead Vows. This release is my first exposure to the band, though I am familiar with one member's other group - Anchor. Dead Vows serve up eleven tracks that whip by in just about a half-hour's time. "We're All Judas" leads the album off with a fast-paced hardcore sound reminiscent … Read more
Dead Will Rise is one of the recent signings to Twelve Gauge Records. While the label mainly sets it focus in the hardcore world, they do also dabbled in the spectrum of death metal/grindcore. And the latter is what you get with Ohio's Dead Will Rise. Entrepreneur is the band's second EP release, on which these upstarts blast through seven … Read more
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