I’ve written two reviews about the previous two albums of The Claudettes. As it took me ages to write this review you could be tempted to think I would not cover their latest album. You could not be more wrong. I was so happy Johnny Iguana shared this album with me for review purposes. I blame corona for the late review as it really hindered me in writing.
In my previous review I talked about how High Times In The Dark transported me to a pub where good whisky is served and cigars are smoked. I longed for another record that would have that effect on me, but The Claudettes Go Out! is not that record. This is the kind of record that transports you to a slightly different kind of pub with a bit more rock swagger. A bit less laid back. Mind you, the changes in sound are marginal, but they are there. It is still garage cabaret, or, if I should try to describe it: a piano fueled rock and blues band. Although that does not really cover the terrain that well.
Let’s try again. The piano is the driving force here. On some tracks more bluesy, in some more rocky, at times even with a punk-like attitude, but also able to lay down the cool and chill vibe a good ballad needs. The guitar-playing on this album made a small step to the forefront although the piano is still the center, the driving force of the band. I don’t know if it is the interplay between the guitar and piano that is doing it or just the overall playing, but this album sounds a bit more complex. It demands more of us, the listener, to follow them.
What hasn’t changed is the, to me, biggest selling point of the band: Berit Ulseth. She again steals the show. It doesn’t matter if she sings a smooth, soft song or the more bluesy or rocky songs, she can do it all. When she starts singing, she demands your full attention. Her performance her is captivating. Again.
When I received the album for review a note was attached with an explanation of idea behind the lyrics. It goes too far to talk about all of them, but I really enjoy this. There’s songs about always wanting more and feeling guilty about it, about loneliness (a very pandemic subject), about going with the flow, about the frustration of having to deal with social media (or how to gain more exposure, a frustration that I fully understand). Subjects I can relate to and that really speak to me.
Overall I can only conclude that The Claudettes have found their unique sound. I have never heard something like them. Their sound is still capable of transporting me to somewhere else, and that is something I enjoy highly. After giving this many spins and re-visiting their previous albums, I have to conclude this new album is a worthy follow up. I do like the slightly less complex High Times In The Dark a wee bit more. Let that not hold you back to give this album a spin. Highly recommend!