
Twelve Gauge (2012) Jon E.

Creatures – Vesuvius cover artwork
Creatures – Vesuvius — Twelve Gauge, 2012

Creatures have made a name fo9r themselves over the past few years playing a style of metalcore that bears a resemblance to the Holy Terror style. So the basics here are heavy with a strong leaning towards metal riffing and an obvious inclination towards evil. The band seemed rather silent after releasing their Salvation EP last year. With a few shows in the interim the band managed to birth this little monster by the name of Vesuvius.

The record is rather simple in a sense. This is not to say the band lack any skills but the style overall remains rather straight forward. The band employ everything they can to make the songs move smoothly. The solo on the opener "Broken Throne" is more metal than most bands with the -core connotation could manage and it comes off as well played and strong overall. Meanwhile the vocals in "Separate" sound like they were recorded in a place of true hell. They bellow without sounding overly dramatic brutal enough to have their point felt. The drums play their strengths throwing in strong fill work to keep the songs moving and never relying too heavily on double bass pedal workouts.

The band overall play on their strengths. The songs never overstay their welcome instead they are played with force and a keen ear on where melody can be injected into the songs. This allows each song to remain its own piece while still feeling comfortable within the course of the record itself. The recording itself feels as though the tapes were covered in dirt and grime before being sent to whomever mastered it. This doesn't hurt the album whatsoever as it helps the record feel tougher and nastier overall. This certainly doesn't help the record go down smoother for a new listener but it does help the band sound meaner and almost crusty in a sense.

Simply put Creatures haven't reinvented themselves or the wheel. What they do they do very well. Played with a sense of power and melody without ever overdoing it. Those who are familiar should be well satisfied with creatures new record. While there isn't anything that could be considered experimental or at all stepping out of their style there is something more than enjoyable for anyone who is into their style.

8.3 / 10Jon E. • March 12, 2012

Creatures – Vesuvius cover artwork
Creatures – Vesuvius — Twelve Gauge, 2012

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