Heinali And Matt Finney

Independent (2011) Jon E.

Heinali And Matt Finney – Conjoined cover artwork
Heinali And Matt Finney – Conjoined — Independent, 2011

Heinali and Matt Finney are a meeting of the mind's in a way. Consisting of a spoken word artist (Finney) and a predominantly Ambient composer from the Ukraine (Heinali). The pair have never met and act as an internet only project. This may concern a few as rarely do these sort of projects make their own name, save for a couple (Postal Service and Culted). Even then one can make the distinction that there is less of a humanist connection to the work. In this case it only seems to help to feed the music itself.

Relying on waves of sound this acts as a mostly instrumental record. Fitting into many genres but mainly within shoegaze and post rock. There is a strong focus on the guitars. This helps to create a strong bed for the vocals. As mentioned before they are really spoken word pieces but seem rather distorted so as to be used in a more instrument style quality. The vocals float within the mix rather than being on top of anything, This makes sure the listener is never taken out of the atmosphere that the music has created.

The instrumentals weave a textural backdrop. With a focus on heavy drums pounding away to move each song forward. Any electronic manipulations take a backseat to the guitar drones and waves. Taking a huge page from the shoegaze textbook covering the guitars in banks of pedals and letting them wash over everything. This makes for a very strong sense of atmosphere to work around the words.

There is alot of credit to be given. For a couple of people that never met everything feels as though they have worked together closely. This EP should make people take notice of what these artists have to offer. While there is still improvements to be made there is stil la strong case for this be appreciated and noticed. At this rate there is no telling what this group is capable of. I still have a nagging feeling that they are capable of songs with a more defined sense of structure. They seem to be leaning towards that with the first few songs on this release. Hopefully this will continue to happen for them and make for a stronger, more cohesive and overall likable sound. Here's to the future..

7.9 / 10Jon E. • July 4, 2011

Heinali And Matt Finney – Conjoined cover artwork
Heinali And Matt Finney – Conjoined — Independent, 2011

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