Well most people reading this will either look at the and ask one of 2 questions. "who?" or "wait, they're still around?" The who is simple, Ill Nino joined the Nu-Metal races slightly later than most forming in 1998 and releasing their debut for Roadrunner in 2001. That already put them behind the curve what set them apart was their willingness to include latin flavor into their nu stew. So since then the band has toured, changed labels a few times and persevered. So with this, their second release for Victory records, they look to make the most of their chance to gain a bigger following.
Overall I can't tell you that there is an outright difference between this and the rest of their records. It includes much of what one would expect from the nu-metal tag. This includes good cop - bad cop vocal switches, psuedo-creepy passages and a strong concentration on being rhythmic both vocally and otherwise. Where they have made it more interesting is by using latin percussion throughout. This can make the songs interesting but tends to become overbearing at times as well. Meanwhile more than anything this element drifts in and out of the mix.
What will probably be noted by most, including the label, is the guest appearance of one Frankie Palmieri of Emmure, on the third song and first single. This is a rather unnecessary addition to the song while Frankie does what is expected by anyone who has heard his vocals before. His vocals don't do much to add a full on counterpoint to the song as Christian Machado does more than enough to sound vicious on this song.
Simply put is that Ill Nino have a new record out. If you have an interest in nu-metal you will enjoy this. As someone who lived through the boom the genre had in the 90's I can't say i needed to hear more. The record is enjoyable enough but includes nothing unexpected.