In 2004 we were treated to Carnage, the debut effort from this throwback thrash/metal outfit from Chicago. If you heard it, good. If not, well, let's just say that the band is highly influenced by the likes of Celtic Frost. Fake metal fans should be sure to Google that name before continuing. Here in 2005 we are awaiting the band's second full-length. To tide us over until then, the fine people at Southern Lord Records have released two new songs on a 3" CD entitled Cannibal Massacre. (The album was also released on vinyl, but, of course, it's out of print.)
First up is the track "Cannibal Massacre (Extended Skin Reaping Mix)." The song opens with beefed up chugging guitars and a multitude of cymbal crashes. The riffs are slow and crushing to the ears - awesome! The pace of the riffs quickens and vocalist/guitarist Stephen Rathbone begins his assault. As the song cycles through segments of blistering thrash and slow, down-tuned sludge, Rathbone contributes everything from throaty yells to scathing screams and deep growls. So where is the extra skin reaping? Well, following the mayhem, we enter an eerie synth-driven interlude which is very reminiscent of the music used in horror flicks.
The other track on the 3" CD is "Horns of the Witch." While the first track lasted beyond nine minutes, this one barely passes one minute in length. With its chugging riffs, pulsating blast-beats courtesy of Larry Herweg, and sinister growls/screams, this song truly shreds.
One improvement from Carnage is that the production value on this release is better. It still holds the roughness that one would expect from a band of this genre, but it's just a bit crisper. Perhaps this was a result of the mastering job by Scott Hull (Pig Destroyer, Agoraphobic Nosebleed.) Maybe not. All that matters is that it sounds great.
As an added bonus, those that purchase the CD version are treated to the video for the track "The Wolf" from Carnage. In the end, Cannibal Massacre does its duty by pleasing my ears until Lair of the Minotaur's next full-length, The Ultimate Destroyer, hits stores. Which I hope is soon.