Condition Hüman

Century Media (2015) Kevin Fitzpatrick

Queensrÿche – Condition Hüman cover artwork
Queensrÿche – Condition Hüman — Century Media, 2015

At the time of the release of their eponymous 2013 full-length album, the Geoff Tate storm had passed and cleanup efforts had begun.

It was most definitely a return to form under the new stable guidance of Crimson Glory vocalist Todd LaTorre and Queensryche delivered their strongest album so far this century.

With Condition Hüman, the band continues on with the same mission statement since recruiting LaTorre - give the fans a great album with the powerhouse vocalist that the music deserves.

Album opener "Arrow of Time" kicks down the door with an almost Iron Maiden-esque dual guitar riff that'll immediately put a knowing smile on your face, as the stars continue to align for a band enjoying a new lease on life.

Guitarists Michael Wilton and Parker Lundgren tear it up on follow-up tracks "Guardian" and "Hellfire", the latter being one of the heaviest songs the band has produced in a long while.

Of course that isn't to say that it's all hard 'n heavy slabs as "Bulletproof" will attest. Not quite a ballad, the tempo is slow enough to put it in that category, but the song features some epic vocals from LaTorre and is sure to be one of the new highlights from the live show.

Title track "Condition Hüman" is another slow-burner, rounding out the album. Drummer Scott Rockenfeld and bassist Eddie Jackson shine on here, laying down a strong, tight groove as the foundation for the band's best closer since 1990's Empire coda, "Anybody Listening".

"Condition Hüman" is not a concept album, but there's an attention to detail with the track sequencing that is sorely lacking in today's heavy music, as the formation of an album as a whole just doesn't seem to be a priority for folks these days. Queensrÿche under Tate provided the soundtrack to a lot of people's formative years. And with the new, invigorated Queensrÿche, who seems to be doing everything right, there's no reason not to expect a soundtrack for many years to come.

Queensrÿche – Condition Hüman cover artwork
Queensrÿche – Condition Hüman — Century Media, 2015


DCxPC 2025

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