Hungarian musician Csarnogurszky István is quite prolific, helming Black Hill, musicformessier, Realm of Wolves, Stvannyr, and of course Silent Island. His most recent release is The Curse of Coleodeia under Silent Island.
As it can be often witnessed with prolific bands and/or musicians, the output may tend to suffer in quality due to the quantity in which it comes about. It’s obviously not a universal rule, as there are plenty of exceptions around, although it does tend to be the case more often than not.
The curse of Coleodeia is one release, which I personally feel took a toll from this. It’s not necessarily bad, although it lacks particular personality, or any redeeming ideas which could make it memorable in any way. It’s surely an easy-going and enjoyable ride for fans of light hearted post-rock and music that isn’t particularly soliciting. Although, it’s really not much more than that, especially considering that it’s rather short, along with the rest of its qualities.