Subrosa have managed to get lumped into the doom genre. While that genre tag isn't completely inaccurate it certainly fails to tell the full story of the band. The band certainly has doom elements at times heavy guitars and lengthy song structures may stick out the band refuses to stick to convention and allowing for a style that is more reminiscent of My Dying Bride.
The first thing that allows such a lofty comparison is certainly the most easy and surface one, that would be the violins that are used to bolster their melodies. The melodic vocals and use of alternate vocal styles also allow for this comparison. Where Subrosa tread differently is in their heaviness when the guitars break out it is more forceful and direct. The guitars remain sludgy and heavy when present but this seems to give the violins more force than usual allowing them to bring both melodic and discordance.
The band show off many iterations of their style but the style is undoubtedly their own. While riffs may be cribbed from their forebearers the band add a few elements that not only make them stick out from any influence but far beyond most of their possible peers.