Ten 33
Nightmare on Grace St.

Blood & Ink (2005) Pat

Ten 33 – Nightmare on Grace St. cover artwork
Ten 33 – Nightmare on Grace St. — Blood & Ink, 2005

Yeah, I can get behind this. Speedy, straightforward hardcore punk with some youth crew influences and breakdowns. Sound like your thing? If so, I'd recommend peeping Ten 33's Nightmare on Grace St. or at least add them on Myspace or something.

With eleven songs in just over 20 minutes, the record has no real flaws. Hell, it doesn't have time for any. However, it also has no real highlights either. It's like that dude who comes to your party, gets wasted and acts like an ass, but does no real damage: entertaining, but essentially forgettable. Nightmare on Grace St. shows up, gets you pretty pumped if you're down with their style, but is pretty unlikely to remain in your brain for any longer than the album's duration. I'd hardly call it mediocre, but I can't picture anyone digging this so much that Ten 33 becomes his or her new favorite band.

I would definitely check these guys out live, and will definitely keep my free promo copy of their record. It's a perfect album to get you stoked while driving to a show or mowing the lawn. Yeah, that's what this is: lawn-mowing hXc.

If this seems like a short review, it's because it should be. There's only so much praise for gang vocals and 2-step parts that one can put into words before every review looks like a copy-paste operation. If this doesn't seem like a short review, you have a horrible attention span.

7.0 / 10Pat • August 16, 2005

Ten 33 – Nightmare on Grace St. cover artwork
Ten 33 – Nightmare on Grace St. — Blood & Ink, 2005


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