Warning: Gratuitous language and immaturity ahead.
Fuck yes. It is here. After seeing this band several times and dancing my ass off, I finally can dance my ass off to it at home, in the shower, and in my girlfriend's vagina.
Featuring the Brothers Allen, Ryan plays some catchy and dancy guitar parts while spewing out word after word in his unique and sassy voice. Scott accompanies the melody by adding keyboards that pound at your brain, tambourine that makes your ass shake uncontrollably, and the occassional vocals that fit perfectly with his older brothers'.
The rhythm section is completely chaotic. The drummer is constantly pounding away on something and keeps this band together while the bassist is playing surf type bass lines behind it all. In theory this band should suck but they do just the opposite.
Highlights of this record are impossible as every single song is completely solid and incredibly short. Because it's so short, it makes the "tweener" song, "Your Mission is an Intermission," seem too long. Right after this song though, you have "Party A.R.M." in which you'll find yourself waving your arm back and forth in a "Hey I'm at an Atlanta Braves game" manner. The thing is, this time it's actually fun.
If you are into Ex-Models, Red Light Sting, or The Blood Brothers, you should check these guys out immediately. Besides, they are going to blow up soon and you want to say you liked them before every one else did. Plus they are great fucking music.