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Features by Loren

1,060 total search results — Page 23 of 53

One Question Interviews: Extinction A.D.

Feature — September 29, 2015

Rick Jimenez (Extinction A.D.) SPB: Is there any specific restaurant you make a point to hit when you go on tour? Jimenez: Kuma's Corner in Chicago. Metal themed burger bar with the occasional wrestling mural...Can't go wrong. My only gripe is that the Metallica burger isn't my favorite. …

One Question Interviews: The Pests

Feature — September 29, 2015

Mazz-1 (The Pests) SPB: What was the first punk show you attended? Mazz-1: If I remember correctly, the first one I attended was one that I played at 15 years old. I don't even remember the name of my band at the time. We opened for New Jersey …

One Question Interviews: Boysetsfire

Feature — September 29, 2015

Nathan Gray (solo, Boysetsfire) SPB: Can you like a musician whose politics you disagree with? Gray: Can you? Yes. Should you? Well, that is up to the individual. There are many hymns that I rather enjoy, but do not agree at all with the content. I am also …

One Question Interviews: Axis

Feature — September 30, 2015

Tyler Forsythe (Axis) SPB: What was your first musical instrument? How old were you? Forsythe: I started playing bass when I was 11 and it was the first instrument I had ever really had an interest in playing. My older brother had already been playing for years so …

One Question Interviews: Caustic Casanova

Feature — September 30, 2015

Francis Beringer (Caustic Casanova) SPB: Do you get nerves before you play a show? Beringer: Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I used to get nerves before every show, now it happens only once in a while. There are different kinds of nerves - the "no one is here" nerves, …

One Question Interviews: Undesirable People

Feature — September 30, 2015

Jon Lebiecki (Undesirable People) SPB: Winter touring: yes or now (and why/got any stories)? Lebiecki: Yes, absolutely. Simply because we’ve got a sick record coming out on 12” that we need entire world to hear. I’m not quite sure where we are headed yet because we don’t have …

One Question Interviews: Pigs

Feature — September 30, 2015

Dave Curran (Pigs, Unsane) SPB: What’s the first thing you do when you get home after a long tour? Curran: I curl up in fetal position and sleep for 5 days. Then I go on tour again...

One Question Interviews: Wonk Unit

Feature — September 30, 2015

Alex (Wonk Unit) SPB: How do you describe the band’s changes from Day One into what it is today, sound-wise? Alex: The biggest change is a total reversal in songwriting style. For our first two albums I was writing lyrics to music, some pretty crazy technical stuff. These …

One Question Interviews: Esmerine

Feature — October 4, 2015

Rebecca Foon (Esmerine) SPB: What is your favorite 1960s artist? Foon: Jimi Hendrix. He probably fits under the category of people I would want to meet most as well. I have been inspired by him for as long as I can remember.

One Question Interviews: White Widows Pact

Feature — October 6, 2015

Dave Castillo (White Widows Pact) SPB: How do you find new music? Castillo: Call me old fashioned but usually I find out about new music through my friends. A lot of them are a part of music in one way or another so I get the scoop on …

One Question Interviews: Lagwagon

Feature — October 9, 2015

Joey Cape (Lagwagon, solo) SPB: What is the biggest improvement you’ve made to your touring lifestyle over the years? Is there an area of comfort or economy where you’d drastically changed your approach? Cape: Surrounding myself with good people. People who enjoy this life. They need to be …

One Question Interviews: Boilerman

Feature — October 12, 2015

Kris (Boilerman – bass) SPB: What’s your favorite format of release (7”, LP, etc)? Kris: I think the 7" is a great format, physically speaking. Its layout space is pretty easy to fill nicely, but storing 7-inches isn't as nice. They're so hard to rifle through and they …

One Question Interviews: Rock the Cause

Feature — October 14, 2015

Scott Herold (Rock the Cause) SPB: What’s the hardest part of running a non-profit organization? Herold: The most difficult aspect of running an NPO is your income streams rely completely on the benevolence of the public. You have to continually design new products and programs that tell a …

One Question Interviews: Ex-Breathers

Feature — October 18, 2015

Jack Vermillion (Ex-Breathers) SPB: Would you ever crowdfund a record? Vermillion: I don't think we'll ever find ourselves in a position where this is the best option for us. We're the kind of band that would rather just make a record for cheap by ourselves or with a …

One Question Interviews: So Hideous

Feature — October 19, 2015

Brandon Cruz (So Hideous) SPB: What do your parents think of your music? Cruz: We’ve been fortunate enough to have a strong support system with respect to our families and them understanding why we do this music thing. I’d say our parents “appreciate” the work we do but …

One Question Interviews: Big Eyes

Feature — October 25, 2015

Kate Eldridge (Big Eyes) What is the most annoying recurring thing you read about your band (whether accurate or not)? I am really bothered by the term "female fronted." Being a "FEMALE" has nothing to do with the music I write and play. It also sounds so unnecessarily …

One Question Interviews: Tempest

Feature — October 27, 2015

Tempest SPB: What was your favorite band in high school? How do they influence your songwriting today? c.a: There are probably only a handful of bands that Tempest as a whole can agree on enjoying. Now, take that handful and whittle it down to bands that we have …

One Question Interviews: Koo Koo Kanga Roo

Feature — October 28, 2015

Bryan (Koo Koo Kanga Roo) SPB: You see to perform on a lot of varied bills from kids stuff to hip-hop shows and Warped. Do you prefer to mix up the audience you play to or do you prefer a headline-type club show? Bryan: We prefer everything. It …

One Question Interviews: Driftoff

Feature — November 30, 2015

Eric Jernigan (Driftoff) SPB: Would you license your music for use in another medium if given the opportunity? Jernigan: We're open to the idea so long as we can stand behind the content of the film or commercial. The fact is, many bands in our genre have come …

One Question Interviews: Three One G

Feature — November 30, 2015

Justin Pearson (Three One G, Retox, The Locust) SPB: How do you find new music? Pearson: There is no one way to find music, or any art for that matter. Maybe the universe presents it or maybe your subconscious welcomes it. For me, I tend to find it …