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Features by Loren

1,067 total search results — Page 24 of 54

One Question Interviews: Patti Yang

Feature — November 30, 2015

Patti Yang SPB: Do you feel your experiences growing up in Communist Poland have shaped your views on the relationship between politics and art? Yang: Art has always served as a powerful form of commentary on politics and on society. Back in the communist Poland anything released to …

One Question Interviews: Skittish

Feature — November 30, 2015

Jeff Noller (Skittish) SPB: How has the increasing digitalization of the music industry changed how you listen to music? Noller: I feel like I hear a lot less “deep cuts.” I used to be limited to only the CDs I brought with me on a trip, thus propelling …

One Question Interviews: QUOR

Feature — November 30, 2015

Brian Corn (QUOR) SPB: Is there a regional food you look forward to on every tour? Corn: The Pacific Northwest always has fantastic salmon. I particularly like the sashimi versions offered throughout the region. I have had amazing cuts of salmon in even the most unlikely of places …

One Question Interviews: Moñecho

Feature — November 30, 2015

Matt (Moñecho) SPB: What’s the best movie you’ve seen this year? Matt: Coherence. No other movie I've seen really communicates an almost paralyzing amount of uncertainty.

One Question Interviews: Storm Ross

Feature — January 11, 2016

Storm RossSPB: As a multi-instrumentalist, what is your composition process for a song and/or record? Ross: While I don't have a set formula per se, I do seem to follow some familiar patterns when writing. Most of my compositions for the past number of years have a drone …

One Question Interviews: Not Half Bad

Feature — January 11, 2016

Matt Scifres (Not Half Bad) SPB: What do you think of cassettes? Scifres: Cassettes (often called “tapes” by young people, these days) are really cool because they’re kind of eternally rooted in DIY. Pressing records makes exactly zero sense for smaller bands. Yeah, they’re cool, but they’re ridiculously …

One Question Interviews: Earthside

Feature — January 11, 2016

Jamie van Dyck (Earthside – guitar, composer) SPB: What is your favorite book about music?" Dyck: My favorite book about music that I've read is The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century by Alex Ross. I actually read this for a university music history class on …

One Question Interviews: MC Lars

Feature — January 11, 2016

MC Lars SPB: What is the “ET/Atari” of NES games? Lars: I would say a Boy and His Blob is the ET of Nintendo. It’s well-conceived, but difficult to play if you don’t know the “hacks” to get ahead. The world is very elaborate, but easy to get …

One Question Interviews: Cloud Rat

Feature — January 21, 2016

Brandon (Cloud Rat) SPB: Do any of your musician friends have tinnitus? Brandon: Absolutely! Actually, Rorik himself apparently has a mild on and off case of it. I've mostly heard of folks getting it that way where it's not necessarily permanent but sort of a reoccurring spell that …

One Question Interviews: The Max Levine Ensemble

Feature — January 22, 2016

David Combs (The Max Levine Ensemble – guitar, vocals) SPB: What’s the worst tour experience you’ve had? Have you ever been stranded? Combs: On our first cross-country tour back in 2004 our friend's van, Black Betty, died in the mountains of Nevada. We got towed to Reno, but …

One Question Interviews: Grade

Feature — January 22, 2016

Kyle Bishop (Grade) SPB: Who is your favorite 1970s artist? Bishop: Black Sabbath

One Question Interviews: Flannel Gurl Records

Feature — January 22, 2016

Jonathan Ashwell (Flannel Gurl Records) SPB: What is your favorite record store? How did you discover it? Ashwell: Like coffee shops where ever we go, we try to visit any and all independent record stores when visiting a city we have never been before. We try and treat …

One Question Interviews: toyGuitar

Feature — January 27, 2016

Jack (toyGuitar) SPB: What’s the story behind your name? Jack: There isn't much backstory on this one. I think I stole the idea of the name "toy guitar" from Spike Slawson or Kent Jamieson (NOFX tour manager). I can't remember which of those two had it first. It …

One Question Interviews: Crab Legs

Feature — January 27, 2016

BJ Moore (Crab Legs) SPB: What’s the biggest secret about the Fargo scene (unbeknownst to outsiders)? Moore: So, that question could be answered numerous ways, but since every member of Crab Legs plays in at least one other band, I focused on the music scene here. What’s …

Interviews: The Treasure Fleet

Feature — February 21, 2016

The Treasure Fleet play by their own rules. Sure, there are members of familiar bands like The Arrivals, The Lawrence Arms, and Smoking Popes, but it’s a truly unique band that takes psychedelic, reverb-drench rock and strips to a concise core. It’s trippy and explorative, but before you get bored …

One Question Interviews: Hell

Feature — February 27, 2016

Matthew S Williams (Hell) SPB: Are more touring bands being robbed these days or is it just better publicized? Do you do anything special to try and prevent it from happening to you? Williams: There may just be more opportunity for the thieves to take. There are a …

One Question Interviews: Graf Orlock

Feature — February 27, 2016

Jason Schmidt (Graf Orlock) SPB: Rank these listening formats: cd, vinyl, cassette, digital, (other?) Schmidt: I would rank these in the degree to which they are both visually and aurally pleasing. I would say vinyl would be top in that it has an expandable format and has a …

One Question Interviews: Hollow Earth

Feature — February 27, 2016

Mike Moynihan (Hollow Earth) SPB: What is the best “song about a girl” ever written? Moynihan: Led Zeppelin – “Whole Lotta Love.” This song makes me feel like Robert Plant is going to fuck me so good, but then hold me afterwards and tell me how much …

One Question Interviews: Nai Harvest

Feature — February 27, 2016

Ben (Nai Harvest) SPB: Who is the loudest band you’ve seen live? Ben: It’s a pretty relative to venue size question but probably FUZZ. We played with them at Gorilla in Manchester and my ears were buzzing for days after

One Question Interviews: Warm Needles

Feature — February 27, 2016

Dave Bowden (Warm Needles – bass) SPB: What band has the best logo of all time? Bowden: My favorite band logo of all time has got to be Propagandhi from the How to Clean Everything album. In high school I'd try to draw other bands names on my …