Alex L.


Alex L.'s latest post – May 24, 2007

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The Hourly Radio

History Will Never Hold Me
Kirtland (2006)

I've noticed that pop music has gone through a lot of changes in the last few years. One thing I've noticed is the misconceptions of what people call "original" as something that sounds exactly like what's popular at the moment. The opening sentence in the press kit for this album is as follows "C'mon, admit it! It's been years since … Read more

Blood Redemption

Blood Redemption
Genet (2007)

For years, it's been without question that Europe is the breeding ground for so many metalcore acts. Now even more bands seem to be coming out of the woodwork with the recent boom of this style being on the rise. That's not to say these are all your average newcomers; they are seasoned veterans hoping to continue playing a style … Read more