American Tourist | Antlers | The Catalyst | Cloak/Dagger | Furnace | Government Warning | Mild Winter | Police and Thieves | Punch You in the Face Big! | Savage Land
Police and Thieves
Scene Point Blank:What are your expectations for MACRoCk this year, as it is the first time it is completely student run?
Carlos Izurieta: I expect really good things as I have seen the bands who are playing as well as the different music panels that will be taking place and I see a lot of stuff I am interested in checking out. Also I think it will have a more grass roots/ d.i.y. feel as opposed to the feeling it is some university sponsored event. I guess the closest thing I could compare it to is seeing your favorite band in a VFW hall as opposed to seeing them in some big lame rock club with barriers and rock star attitudes.
Scene Point Blank:What bands are you looking forward to seeing this year?
Carlos Izurieta: I'm pretty psyched to see bands that I have heard but have never seen like Memorial, Aloha, and Double Negative. As well as some of our friends' bands like Cloak/Dagger, Government Warning, Time of Cholera, Savage Land, and Deep Sleep.
Scene Point Blank:Besides the music, what are you looking forward to this year at MACRoCk?
Carlos Izurieta: Definitely the music panels that they have going on this year, its a good variety of topics ranging from record labels to publishing. And of course hanging out with all my friends down in the H-burg and getting some tasty food at the Little Grill as well as feasting on some fine Ethiopian food at the Blue Nile.
Scene Point Blank:Police and Thieves are no stranger to the Harrisonburg music scene, what are your thoughts on the punk community here?
Carlos Izurieta: It is awesome, we always have a blast when we play here and I'm excited to be playing MACRoCk, as in past years I think it will be a blast. The scene here is very generous as the kids that come out to the shows always check out all the bands and dance and have a good time. And even with it being a transient college town there are still plenty of people starting bands and booking really good shows down here on a consistent basis.