American Tourist | Antlers | The Catalyst | Cloak/Dagger | Furnace | Government Warning | Mild Winter | Police and Thieves | Punch You in the Face Big! | Savage Land
Savage Land
Scene Point Blank:What are your expectations for this years MACRoCk, as this is the first time it's completely student run and away from the University?
Tim Skirven: I expect this year's MACRoCk to be way small, but in a totally awesome way. Everything will be in closer proximity; the bands will be more of the "up and coming" variety as opposed to the big names that MACRoCk has brought in the past. I think this will be a great year for discovering new bands and seeing some semi-local bands again in a more energetic environment. The motto I coined for this year's committee is "Little bit of money, Whole lotta heart."
Scene Point Blank:What bands are you looking forward to seeing this year?
Tim Skirven: Maps and fucking Atlases. Holy Hell yes. Double Negative, Mas Y Mas, Hot Lava, Pygmy Lush, Antlers. In all honesty I'm really excited to check out bands I've only heard via internet/mix CDs.
Scene Point Blank:What are you looking forward to besides the music at MACRoCk?
Tim Skirven: Out of town friends, beers flowing like water, actually playing twice during the weekend. Besides the music, it'll also be awesome to make people aware of Harrisonburg and all the downtown area has to offer.
Scene Point Blank:As a student of JMU as well as someone that plays in local Harrisonburg bands, what are your thoughts on Harrisonburg's independent/punk scene?
Tim Skirven: As of late, the scene here has been suffering. I know this is a conceited thing to say, but I feel like my generation is the last of the few as far as kids who honestly care. It's a damn shame cause this town has bred some of the most awesome bands and people ever. Hopefully there will be a resurgence of grassroots kids throwing house shows and starting bands. But as always, gear gets more expensive, rent goes up and living in a crappy house just for the basement becomes less appealing every year.
Scene Point Blank:With Phil moving to Richmond and other members graduating, what are the future plans for Savage Land? Are you guys trying to stay together and play music?
Tim Skirven: Well, Phil's been gone for a while and we honestly have practiced just as much as we did when he was in town. We're a rather slow moving band, but we've got some things up our sleeve. Possible split 7" with Valkyrie, a new demo/new songs in the works. It gets few and far between due to school and distance but we'll try to do as much as we can with the time we've got.
- MACRoCk Website: