Bullet Treatment
Scene Point Blank: What are your top five albums that were released in 2007?
- Bad Religion - New Maps of Hell (Bad Religion never cease to amaze me. Took a few listens to get into it, now can't get enough of it.)
- Mondo Generator - Dead Planet (Great record, Mondo are a very underrated band)
- Hour of the Wolf - Waste Makes Waste (Kick ass band from the desert, watch for more from these guys.)
- Killing California - Goin' South (Another killer band from California. These guys are getting a lot of good press and they totally deserve every bit of it. Glad to see a good group of guys doing in blue-collar style.)
- Bad Brains - Build a Nation (Not sure if this record was going to be what people expected it to be, but I think compared to all the other crap out there it did just what it needed to.)
Scene Point Blank: How will you remember 2007? (In terms of music)
In term of music I probably won't, other then the Van Halen quasi-reunion which totally kicked ass. It's hard to believe those motherfuckers are as old as they are and still play at the level they do. Also the Suicidal Tendencies / Municipal Waste tour was the shit as well.
Scene Point Blank: What kind of impact do you think donation-based releases like Radiohead, Saul Williams, etc? will have on the record industry?
Well it's easy for bigger bands with stuffed pockets to do these kinds of things, it's a good cause but they also need to see the big picture. Trust me when I say there is no such thing as a "donation-based" release. Somebody somewhere is getting a nicer car because of the "donation." The bottom line is they're just trying something new and you can't fault anyone for that.
Scene Point Blank: 2007 saw the decommissioning of two prominent file-sharing groups - Demonoid and Oink. What kind of impact will the increased crackdown on file-sharing have on the record industry? Did it personally have an effect on you?
Didn't effect me at all as I don't partake in any file sharing or downloading, the only thing I use the Internet for when it comes to music is buying hard to find or rare releases on eBay or a website. Downloading pretty much sucks, and I've said that all along. For anyone who actually grew up in a time where you bought a new record from the store, and I mean a 12" record, you understand the experience and meaning of buying it and listening to it for the first time on you stereo, not your crappy little computer speakers of iPod headphones.
Scene Point Blank: What can we look forward to from your band in 2008?
Well we should have a new split 7" out very soon, after that another 7" is in the works as well as a new twist on a full-length, and an old twist on a full-length. We might even squeak out a show or two again.
Scene Point Blank: What three records are you looking forward to most in 2008?
Our split 7", our new 7", and one of the full-lengths. Don't have time to listen to anyone else. Haha check out Myspace for updates.
Homepage: http://www.bullettreatment.com