Feature / Music
Pass The Mic: Record Labels and 2006

Posted pre-2010


(Profound Lore)

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SPB: What was your favorite release of your label in 2006 (including anything that will be released by the end of the year)? Why?

The release that Im most proud of that I released in 2006 would have to be the new Asunder album, Works Will Come Undone. Its just an honor to work with such musicians who have created one of the most distinct and definitive entity within the realm of doom metal. But with Asunder, it goes much beyond that I believe towards another level of substance. What Asunder have created with Works Will Come Undone is not only a milestone within the doom metal genre, but an album that is a reflective and prophethetic work of extreme metal art, one that serves as a harbinger to where we could inevitably be headed in such an age of social and spiritual decay. But the reason why Works Will Come Undone is the definitive Profound Lore release of 2006, is mainly because this release signals a new definitive era and chapter for the label and is the album which is a reflection of the current state of the label in what it wants to achieve aesthetically and artistically.

SPB: How will you remember 2006? (in terms of music)

I think one of the definitive trends that has seemed to arise in 2006 is how the indie (rock) scene (i.e. "hipster culture" or whatever) is catering to likes of extreme music such as black metal, doom/drone, and stoner rock. Now depending on ones point of view, whether this is a good or bad thing, thats another argument and can of worms waiting to be opened. But I guess overall Ive witnessed certain crowds (who appreciate and understand good musical art) getting into other styles and vice versa.

And as every year, theres always the disappointments, the expectations (whether exceeded or expected), and the artists you witness who are always excelling and pushing the boundaries. I mean, it seems as if every year, everyone keeps saying (or the people I know anyway), that it was such a great year for music. I mean, every year theres always great music coming out. But when you look at the big picture, the truly great music seems to be a microcosm compared to all the mediocre and sub-par music that constantly gets released.

SPB: What do you see as the role of labels in 2007 and beyond?

Of course depending on the label, I guess I see labels (well the ones I can reflect and relate with personally) getting more discriminative with what they release. And at the same time you will see more labels experimenting more by releasing music in different genres that what they are known to usually release. And just youll just see a bunch of crossover with certain audiences etc. Of course youll have the respected labels that will keep doing what they are doing (and have been for years). And of course youll see more labels thatll release just about anything come up more and more.

SPB: Top five releases of 2006? (not on your label)

  1. Converge - No Heroes
  2. Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain
  3. Antaeus - Blood Libels
  4. Heresi - Psalm II: Infusco Ignis
  5. Isis - In The Absence Of Truth

SPB: Any previews/hints/facts of what you will be releasing in 2007?

Well first thing to arise in 2007 will be the new WOLD album, Screech Owl. They are a very mysterious experimental black-noise outfit from the barren Canadian prairies of Saskatchewan who deploy some of the most extreme, unbearable, and polarizing experimental black metal today. They are quite alien compared to everything else.

Then following will be the long-awaited new album from Amber Asylum (entitled Still Point). This will be another definitive release for the label and will be the bands first full-length album since 2000. Indeed they are quite a legendary enigma, I think Kris Force and the Amber Asylum collective are musical geniuses and the new music that will encompass Still Point is simply incredible.

Then following the Amber Asylum release, will be the new full length from the UK act Atavist (which Im doing for North American territory). Pretty much one of the most promising new acts from the UK, they play a form of extreme sludge drone/doom of the highest order, some of the most methodical, time-stretching negative suicidal extreme doom that will cross your ears.

Other names to keep an eye out in 2007 are Pulsefear (the alter-ego of grim industrial nightmarish UK black metal band The Axis Of Perdition, the audial essence of your worst nightmare manifested), Caina (picture Mark Kozelek of the Red House Painters doing experimental black metal, and you get somewhat of an idea of what this most-promising one-man act will have to offer), Drifting Collision (Killusions post-Thralldom journey) and hopefully a new Portal (bizarre, surreal and frightening death metal band out of Australia) album will surface. Plus of course a few surprises can arise. I mean anything can happen, and I want to leave the playing field open just in case.

SPB: Whats your main goal of 2007 (labelwise)?

I guess the main goal is to just strengthen the Profound Lore brand and build a character for the label that continues to become more recognizable, become a bit more discriminative and just stand as a separate identity amongst my peers. One of the main goals of course is to have the bands on my label be compatible with each other, no matter the style, and compatible with my own personality. Basically each band must fit and somehow relate to the next band, and one another, on my roster. For example, even though Portal and Amber Asylum are two totally different styles of music and expressions (musically, personally, and aesthetically), somehow (maybe only I can see this?) putting them next to each other, there is a connection and commonality of sorts, like they can be compatible in a way. It is this kind of mentality that will strengthen the labels aesthetic and what it represents. Another goal of course is to strengthen the distribution a bit more too. Nevertheless, it should be an interesting turning-point of a year.

SPB: Predictions of trends in 2007 (music related (and more if you want))?

Well Im sure some new trend of sorts will arise. I cant really predict it though, but when it comes, everyone will certainly know. But I think in 2007 and onwards, you will see more reputable and respected artists take music more into their own hands so to speak and maybe get more away from the politics of this business, and just take things on a more intimate and personal level. Youll probably see more artists (and labels for that matter) take more chances, and hopefully experiment more (not just for the sake of experimenting), and hopefully the consumer will be open to taking more chances and altering their musical tastes a little more. If there will be a new genre to explode in 2007, I cant really say. But as always, things in this scene are cyclic, and with the way music seems to be going these days, its like one needs to be regressive in order to be progressive and vice versa.

Profound Lore releases of 2006

  • Thralldom - A Shaman Steering The Vessel Of Vastness
  • Arctic Circle - Forcing The Astral
  • Nadja - Bodycage
  • Nachtmystium - Instinct:Decay LP/Picture Disc
  • Asunder - Works Will Come Undone
  • Isis - Live 3 2xLP
  • Profundi - The Omega Rising

— words by the SPB team

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