Kyle Whitlow
Quick Links: Bridge 9 | Chunksaah | Deathwish | Deranged | Escapist | Iron Pier | Lifeline | Magic Bullet | Painkiller | Profound Lore | Revelation | Rivalry | Southern Lord | This Blessing, This Curse | 12 Gauge | Young Blood
SPB: What was your favorite release of your label in 2006 (including anything that will be released by the end of the year)? Why?
Probably The First Steps What We Know LP. I love it musically, aesthetically, and I love the dudes in this band. To me, this is a band that will be a classic hardcore band. That combined with the fact that Steve, Aaron, Greg, and I just really click together as friends, make me so proud to have been a part of this release.
SPB: How will you remember 2006? (in terms of music)
2006 - the return of the GREAT *full length* hardcore CD/LP. All of these bands released solid LPs this year, that is something that has not happened in quite some time - The First Step, Verse, Another Breath, Guns Up, Have Heart, Ceremony, Blacklisted (i think that came out this year?), Betrayed, Outbreak, Hope Con, Fucked Up, Iron Age, and Im sure that Im leaving out a ton of really obvious shit. Basically, its just awesome to see hardcore thriving and bands able to release solid LPs and get out and tour on them. Sometimes I just get bored with EP after EP and then bands breaking up. Its awesome that all of these bands got through 1 or multiple LPs in their existance.
SPB: What do you see as the role of labels in 2007 and beyond?
Well, were really just here to be a friend and almost a "father figure" for our bands... To help them out as they need it, promote the hell out of them and get their name out there, and possibly help guide them a little bit when theyre feeling lost, and just create an all around family atmosphere where we can all grow and continue to get things done together. Im all for multi-label and multi-band collaboration and tours - I think we all need to keep working together to keep the DIY punk ethic alive and stay away from a lot of "big time" type major label leanings that Ive been seeing a lot of lately.
SPB: Top five releases of 2006? (not on your label)
- Have Heart - The Things We Carry
- Fucked Up - Hidden World
- Guns Up - Outlive
- Ceremony - Violence Violence
- Iron Age - Constant Struggle
SPB: Any previews/hints/facts of what you will be releasing in 2007?
Go It Alone is recording their 2nd LP on January 15th. Thatll be out late spring/early summer. The Rivalry Showcase 2006 DVD is almost done and will be out in time for the Showcase in early 2007. After that, we should be doing something with VERSE, The First Step, and Allegiance, and I hear Another Breath is wanting to do another one next year too. So, a lot of the same names with new music!
SPB: Whats your main goal of 2007 (labelwise)?
Pretty much just "slow and steady" has always been my motto. I just try to put out about 6 releases per year, and make sure they all sound awesome and look cool. Id like to stick to that formula. I dont think anything speaks louder than a track record of putting out good stuff. Thats how you build a strong label following - just get to a point where people "trust" you enough to know youre not going to put out a total dud, you know? Not everyone will like everything that I put out - only *I* will like everything that I put out. But, theres also a particular level of artwork, recording quality, and band quality that I think is important to maintain, and thats what I focus on at this label. Just putting out quality stuff that I love.... Im not saying things that I just sorta "like". Im talking about bands that I LOVE, and dudes that I love working with, who have some sort of "culture" to their band that I really appreciate. Working with these people, building relationships, putting out stuff I love , thats what Im all about. Anything beyond that is just extra fluff.
SPB: Predictions of trends in 2007 (music related (and more if you want))?
Hardcore is so cyclical. It looks like were getting out of the "melodic hardcore" or the "epic hardcore" or the "amazingcore" or whatever idiots on the internet want to name it. Now were into the "super fast part, then into hard ass mosh part" trend. Thatll pass soon enough too i suppose. I can see straightedge hardcore making a huge comeback with Have Heart and TFS leading the way. That is something I definitely could get into, being a 96-99 era guy with tendency to look back on Rev/Wishingwell stuff as some of my favs. Well, that is, until it gets run into the ground again like everything else. Haha, I dont know - hardcore never ceases to amaze me with how it always stays the same, yet always manages to be outrageous in some new way, shape, or form.
Rivalry releases of 2006
- Rivalry Showcase 2005 DVD
- Champion / Betrayed split
- Go It Alone / Blue Monday split
- The First Step - What We Know
- Another Breath - Mill City
- Verse - From Anger And Rage
- Betrayed - Substance (Vinyl only)