I'm nearing twenty years of age and never once during these nineteen-plus years have I been able to view things in anything but color. Don't get me wrong, I've seen black and white films; I've also taken and viewed black and white pictures. For my twentieth birthday I will get my eyes removed and in the empty sockets dog eyes will be inserted. Now, with the help of advanced CG animation capabilities that ScenePointBlank recently purchased, begins my day in black and white. I awake to a few chords slightly being strummed. This is a Level-Plane release, so as I dress myself, I prepare for screaming. Instead, a few more minutes of guitar harmonies tangle as drums rise to the falling of my morning wood. Speaking of rising, this is my first time viewing a sun rise in such colorless details. The whites are sharp and shadowed by singing that is yelled, not sharply screamed. Similar to the view of the sun, there isn't much diversity in the vocal department. What's very refreshing though, is that vocally they don't sound like anybody in particular. It sounds like someone is singing really hard with an English accent minus any screeching. Melodically … Read more
Philadelphia has had a long and varied history of producing great punk/hardcore bands. After all, it is this birthplace of … Read more
It was roughly a year and half ago at the South by Southwest Music Festival that I was able to … Read more
I realize I am talking about a band most of you will call shitty and over rated. For your convenience … Read more
WARNING: As the writer of this review I feel that there is something you should know prior to reading this, … Read more
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When I first came across Castevet’s debut album I was hooked with their sound. The hybrid post metal/black metal band was very innovative with their musical structures and their complex, outside of the box thinking when it came to their technical side were just some of the highlights of Mounds of Ash. Unfortunately back then; the other release of the band that was available was the Stones/Salts EP, leaving you with the anticipation of listening to some new material from them. Fortunately three years after their debut album, Castevet return with their even better sophomore release,Obsian. Joined by Nicholas McMaster of Bloody Panda and Krallice (that makes sense, doesn’t it?) on bass, the band from New York has hit yet another peak with this one. What is so intriguing about … Read more
Admit it, you skipped Blake Sennett's songs on Rilo Kiley's The Execution of All Things! It's often distracting to hear different vocalists for different tracks. All the songs he chose to sing, with his breathy voice that blended in with the instrumentation, had some downbeat melody and melancholy lyrics. It was different from the lively pop songs touched with country … Read more
Buddyhead Records is a label fueled by hype. Your Enemies Friends released their debut effort The Wiretap EP on their label. So naturally I was drawn to check it out, but I wasn't expecting much because nine times out a ten with Buddyhead the hype isn't worth. This was that one exception; they actually signed a promising band. In support … Read more
Denison Witmer-say the name with me- Den-i-son Wit-mer. We are doing this exercise for two reasons, because a) his name is kinda hard to pronounce and b) I don't want you to forget it. Now I suppose you want to know who this guy is and what does he have to do with The River Bends? Well, please allow me … Read more
A lot has transpired since the Beastie Boys released their last full-length Hello Nasty nearly six years ago. George W. Bush was elected President afterthe wackiest election since the infamous "Dewey defeats Truman" fiasco. We saw the worst act of terrorism in U.S. history in the attacks that took place on September 11th. These attacks have resulted in the subsequent … Read more
When I mention Hot Cross a lot of time I'll hear some clever person sing the Hot Cross Buns jingle. I'm sure for each time I've heard this the band members have heard it a thousand times. Kinda like how when I tell people my name is Zed they do that line from Pulp Fiction. But anyways, one thing I'm … Read more
For the following reasons I'm a firm believer that every CD collection should contain a few albums that confuse people when they are slipped into rotation. These albums a) give us credibility amongst different groups of people; b) make our knowledge of music superior amongst people within our own groups; and c) gives us chance to experiment with different types … Read more
The temperatures across the States are getting higher. Flowers are approaching or at their finest state. The cicadas are dying out both by human consumption and just their natural cycle only to return 17 years in the future. The sun rays gently kiss exposed skin with UV radiation. It's the perfect time of year to put away the disheartening CDs … Read more
I am going to assume for your own sake that you are familiar with Isis, the doom-sludge-metal outfit that saw an overwhelmingly positive response to their last full-length, Oceanic. If you are completely clueless, you might want to go out, purchase said album, and them come back after you've given it a good four or five listens all the way … Read more
The first time I ever heard Atreyu, I started laughing. Everything about them was laughable to me; from the name of the record Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses to the overly typical "singing into screaming into mosh" formula they followed, to the already played out "fashioncore" image they displayed. However, after my laughter subsided, I also said to myself, "this … Read more
From my childhood there are some very specific things that I can recall: the first time I had sex (in preschool I thought it was lying on top of girls and licking them), when I realized there was no Santa Clause (sorry if I ruined that for any of you), and when I received my NES (Nintendo Entertainment System). The … Read more
Of all the bands I've liked at one point, I don't think I've received quite as much flack for any as much as I have Pedro the Lion. I've never quite 'gotten' the abhorrence some have felt for the band, as vocalist and lyricist David Bazan seems to teeter just far enough between both gratingly annoying and remarkably above par … Read more
I once had a substitute teacher that repeated something 10 times, because he said that people have to hear something at least 8 times before it actually gets into their head. I had to see Matt Pond PA in print 10 times before I went to buy their latest, Emblems. When I got to the store, they didn't have it … Read more
Disclaimer: I am not actually going to write much about this album itself because I don't have too much to say about it, and I feel I'm entitled to at least one snarky review here. Christ, I've grown to hate the self-conscious style of writing that's so easily employed to take a way out of a review or any other … Read more
Well, it's been a busy year for our friend Ryan Adams: a rock and roll record, two EP's, a broken heart, and a broken wrist. This is a lot to fit in, especially considering how busy he was whining about reviews and threatening to retire from music. If there is one thing I can count on each month it's that … Read more
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