Watain has been on the cusp of something huge for the last couple years. With a handful of great records and a live show that could manage to get a mention from even the most jaded of writers. The band stowed away with an intent to write something that would be true to them but also capitalize on their successes. So with The Wild Hunt we see the fruit of their labors. The LP opens with a quiet introduction full of clean guitars (for about the first 2 minutes) before breaking into something more akin to What would be expected. ALthough even this isn't entirely true as the riffs tend to have an almost melodic and rock and roll styled flair to them. This is one of the newer developments in the Watain arsenal. This belies the traditionalist fervor of the next song "De Profundis" which is the well written black metal song one would expect from the band. All goes to plan until the mid album point where "The Child Must Die" and "They Ride On" sit back to back. Both of these songs add new textures into the bands' sound. Giving ample space for calm and quiet along … Read more
Throughout their relatively short tenure, Sutekh Hexen has produced several thought provoking releases that intrigue from both a sonic and … Read more
What dream like states can you imagine, and how exactly might you reach such a trance? Do you use illicit … Read more
Pressure is a party. The three-piece band Kitten Forever trade off vocals constantly throughout, and even swap instruments while they’re … Read more
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This EP is voted best album of 2018 by half of the band according to the sticker on the CD. That should tell you something about the band we are dealing with today. So they do have humour, there's no denying that. The big question is: do they deserve their superhero status? And if they do, are they in league with Deadpool (as he is the only superhero I can think of with a healthy sense of humour)? The second question I cannot answer, but let's see if we can figure out if we can say something meaningful about the first question. Escape The Herd is the second EP for this Dutch band. Although the band is new to the scene, those in it are not. The foundation for Superhero … Read more
Iron Chic are back with their first new music since their split with Pacer. For some, a couple years isn't long, but waiting for new Iron Chic is like waiting for a ride at Disneyland. As soon as you finish the thrill of one, you're automatically anxious to get in line for another, and the wait is unbearable. No matter … Read more
It’s hard to go to an EDM festival without seizuring from strobe lights, going deaf from pulsing beats, or popping too many Mollies. Electronica combusts acres of energy, leaving no breathing room. This genre of trebley arpeggios, never-ending grooves, and overwhelming bass deserves a relaxing vacation.Artists like Actress, Flying Lotus, and Jon Hopkins are soothing alternatives for EDM, infusing jazzy … Read more
It’s been hard to believe that A Wilhelm Scream’s last full length, Career Suicide, was released in 2007. I’ve seen these guys live a handful of times since then, and they are anything but old news. No Idea definitely knew what they were doing by adding this headlining band to their roster. The amount of energy and spirit A Wilhelm … Read more
Do you find that at times you need to change your perspective on something or someone, and if so how exactly do you gain that fresh perspective? For my part, gaining a fresh perspective usually means walking away from something for a period of time and coming back with a regained enthusiasm and excitement to dive back into whatever it … Read more
Take this raging slab of an album and play it on your stereo at loud volumes until your fragile eardrums explode causing you to bleed out of your ear canals because Integrity is back with another record of metal / hardcore anthems that delve the dark side the way that only Dwid and his cohorts can (with this record he … Read more
I nearly died one night in the kitchen of Mexican restaurant I was cooking at. When it came time to clean up the floors at the end of my closing shift, I erroneously (read: stupidly) mixed ammonia and bleach in a mop bucket full of steaming hot water. One breath of that potent mixture and I was seeing stars and … Read more
There's few artists that have been bent over by their record label more than Hank Williams III. That label was Curb, and they fucked the poor man up down and sideways. That blood contract was finally over with the 2010 release of Rebel Within - an album with potential, but the end result was what felt like an understandably rushed … Read more
Those who have had the pleasure of seeing Shelton Hank Williams III perform live know that the man always gives his audience more than their money's worth. A typical show will be 3 full sets - each approximately 45 minutes to an hour long. The first set is a straight-up country set. Set #2 is often the "hillbilly" set - … Read more
This is weirdo garage punk with some surf and new wave-y parts from Nashville, TN. Hard to tell if Useless Eaters are playing guitars that sound like fucked-up keyboards or if there is a keyboard that drowns out the fucked-up guitars. I honestly could care less because I happen to really like it. Sometimes just being a stupid music fan … Read more
I’d call Caves frantic punk rock, if not for the title track on Betterment actually being a casual acoustic affair. Other than that song, though, the eleven songs on the UK’s band’s latest offering are non-stop energy, complemented by vocal trade-offs, relentless percussion, and a whole lot of screaming. The press sheet drops the term “urgent,” and it’s precisely that, … Read more
Try to imagine that two of the most interesting experimental acts out there not only decided to collaborate for a full album, they also wanted to do that in a 19th century stone church. That is right! Mamiffer, featuring Aaron Turner (of ISIS, Old Man Gloom, House of Low Culture and millions other projects) and Faith Coloccia (of House of … Read more
It seems the term “grunge” is getting thrown around again quite a bit these days when it comes to describing the current crop of buzzy-guitar-based bands. And while the actual definition of the word has always been somewhat confusing, in the 20-odd years it’s existed, it has also become a fairly accurate identifier. It would not be incorrect to use … Read more
After how hard Western Problems hit, it would be hard for Future Virgins to deliver another punch-out of similar quality. Or would it? With a new record, Late Republic on Recess Records, the Chattanooga band has blown my expectations away. The sound this time is a bit cleaner, which lends a pop sensibility to their powerful melodies, but it’s just … Read more
Think long and hard and decide just what it takes for a band to enter your own personal rarified air (sure this personal status can be mutable over time with bands falling out and joining in depending on how quickly your tastes might change); for me it can be as little as one record and can last an entire “Career” … Read more
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