You know how there is always one band that everyone says "You should totally check this band out man; they rock harder than Ron Jeremy's cock at the office!" and you go, "Yeah sure man, I'll check them out if you say they are that good." And you never do! Well that's pretty much my relationship with the Broken Social … Read more
It had been a long time since I'd heard an absolutely perfect pop record, until a few days back when I finally gave in to the hype surrounding Broken Social Scene and picked up the recent American release of this record. I can't believe I held off so long, because this record is just, well, simply fantastic. Thirteen tracks of … Read more
Brother Ali is one of RhymeSayers’ and Minneapolis’ premiere rappers, and his career trajectory has been on the up-and-up with each release. Still, for whatever reason, my interest in Ali has waned with each new LP. His tendency for bluntness and tough guy delivery of not-so-tough material had gotten to be a bit much, and I figured it was time … Read more
The phrase "hanging out" can mean different things for different people. Some may use it to describe a night-in or a low-key stop at the neighborhood bar. Others may use it to describe their weekend-long, mind-melting bender adventure. In this instance, the phrase "big time hanging out" may be used. Really, though, it's all about attitude and believing in the … Read more
In an alternate universe, Brown Brogues' "Shit In Your Eye" sits atop the charts; following in the lineage of other certified gold cuts such as Ty Segall's "Girlfriend" and the Black Lips' "Bad Kids." As the shit-kicker guitar rings out of the speakers, you can practically see someone beating their fist atop a jukebox or pool table in approval. It's … Read more
Bruise Control is a new-ish punk band from Manchester. The band definitely checks off the boxes of the style, mixing it up quite a bit though over their nine-song debut full-length. The lead song, “Useless” has jangly garage rock tones meets punk aggression that builds over the two and a half minute song. While that lead tone makes an impression, … Read more
Given the never-waning focus among classical music fans on established (and too-frequently, dead) composers, it would seem that the world of modern classical music is one of the most difficult to get a handle on – audiences are left unsure where to even begin, and composers themselves don’t get much attention or many breaks. Meanwhile, except for the occasional article … Read more
Over several very under the radar releases (EPs, splits, half lengths, etc.), the dynamic duo that makes up Bubonic Bear unleash Fleshworld on a mostly unsuspecting audience that (despite lots of touring and tons of shows) still have yet to experience the crushing doom-y noise-y sludge that has become this group’s trademark for audience destruction (I always thought of the … Read more
Bizarro punk/noise/rock duo Buck Gooter are releasing their 17th album in the span of 12 years. During all that time and through all the releases, Buck Gooter, now returning with 100 Bells, has not missed a beat. Their music radiates with the same energy as it did on the first day and the primitive sense is as raw as it … Read more
When I think of Devil worship I think of all the scary stuff from my youth. I think of serial killer known as "The Night Stalker", Richard Ramirez. Perhaps the most famous Devil worshiper of the era, he had a propensity for heavy metal—flashing the horns while in handcuffs—a pentagram tattooed on his palm—and quotes like, “I love to kill … Read more
As might be expected considering the word can be used in a variety of ways and can make up nearly every word in a still-coherent sentence, there’s a rich history of use of the f-bomb in music. While the word has sometimes been used to prove a point or make a hard-hitting statement (Rage Against the Machine’s “Killing in the … Read more
In the year of 2002, Bucket Full Of Teeth released three 7"s on Youth Attack! Records titled I, II and III. Each record was packed with an essay written by one of the three members: Brad, Matt and Will. It was an awesome idea, but also contrived in the sense that they planned to do something musically different, as described … Read more
Buen Destino is a new hardcore band from Barcelona. It is formed by members and ex-members of a host of other bands, none of which rung a bell. On this self-titled album the band incorporates a big range of influences. Their Bandcamp tells me this album should appeal to fans of Killing Joke, Discharge, Converge, Jesus Lizard, Daughters, Dead Cross, … Read more
At their heart, Buffalo Moon plays whimsical indie pop with a playfulness that is grounded by moments of straight-faced seriousness. Of course, “whimsical indie pop” is among the vaguest descriptions I could give. Delving deeper, the band blends a number of styles, drawing primarily from previous generations. The most notable elements come from the 1960s: bossa nova, samba, a touch … Read more
Back in the early and mid-2000s, there was a subset of seminal hardcore bands that brought a particular brand of bouncy, youth crew-forward hardcore that was unpretentious but self-aware. I’m thinking specifically of the short-lived groups that were scrappy and unsharpened, that often only played a handful of shows before disbanding and fading into scene lore. The latest offering from … Read more
Build Us Airplanes covers a lot of ground on this 9 song LP, All Things Expire. It’s melodic punk for the most part, but with distinct elements of emo, post-hardcore and what I’ll call post-screamo, meaning there are somewhat jarring vocal shifts, but minus the blunt aggression. The overall vibe of this record is angry and somewhat somber, while still … Read more
Init Records is one of the most underappreciated record labels releasing music today. Documenting some of the Midwest's most important punk bands, from The Spirit of Versailles to The Vidablue, the label is consistently on point. I know Steven Init through the great invention of Internet message boards, and the guy is an absolute stand up person. So it still … Read more
Buildings. Two syllables. Direct and immovable. It seems a fitting name for this Minneapolis three-piece and their second album Melt, Cry, Sleep. Their sound is tough to pin to a genre but, make no bones about it, the dudes are angry and loud. There are a lot of familiar elements at play in their work. The shout-speak vocals and headbanging … Read more
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