Nicole Hollis-Vitale
Quick Links: Bridge 9 | Chunksaah | Deathwish | Deranged | Escapist | Iron Pier | Lifeline | Magic Bullet | Painkiller | Profound Lore | Revelation | Rivalry | Southern Lord | This Blessing, This Curse | 12 Gauge | Young Blood
SPB: What was your favorite release of your label in 2006 (including anything that will be released by the end of the year)? Why?
It is hard to pick a favorite. The Hope Con record is amazing, and Ive been a fan of them forever, so it was fun to be affiliated with them. Also Rise and Fall "Into Oblivion" which came out early 2006 is amazing.
SPB: How will you remember 2006? (in terms of music)
2006 was a year, for me, when I delved into a lot of older 90s hardcore - - stuff that I liked, but never really listened to a lot. Why I am regressing? I have no idea -- but I think its because there are a lot of current bands that are being influenced by some 90s bands.
SPB: What do you see as the role of labels in 2007 and beyond?
Labels just need to keep doing their thing. Work with bands they like, put out some good records - try and stay up on the label game and think of innovative ways to promote their bands.
SPB: Top five releases of 2006? (not on your label)
In no particular order:
- Converge - No Heroes
- Jedi Mind Tricks - Servants in Heaven, Kings in Hell
- Cold World/War Hungry - Split 7"
- Fucked Up - Hidden World
- Have Heart - The Things We Carry
Runner Ups - Justin Timberlakes Future Sex/Love Sounds and Beyonces B-Day.
SPB: Any previews/hints/facts of what you will be releasing in 2007?
New releases from:
- Blacklisted
- Cold World
- Shipwreck
- Life Long Tragedy
- Final Fight
- Doomriders
SPB: Whats your main goal of 2007 (labelwise)?
I think I can speak for all of us when I say -- we just want to keep on working with bands/people we love. We just want to stay on top of our game, and please the people who support us and our bands. We want to make cool merch, expand our estore - we have a new distributor and are looking forward to working with them more and more. World Domination is in the plans for 2007 -- but the world is a big big place, so we may have to push that one to 2008.
SPB: Predictions of trends in 2007 (music related (and more if you want))?
I am not really very good at predicting things, especially trends. Im not cool.
Deathwish releases of 2006
- The Hope Conspiracy - Death Knows Your Name CD (LP on Malfunction)
- Modern Life Is War - My Love, My Way CD ReIssue
- The Hope Conspiracy - Hang Your Cross EP
- Holyghost - Holyghost 3" CD (HF from RINGWORM, Estore EXCLUSIVE only)
- Rise And Fall - Into Oblivion CD
- Final Fight & Life Long Tragedy - Split 7" EP
- Shipwreck - New 7" EP/Digital Download
- Converge - No Heroes 12"LP (CD on Epitaph)